#12 nursery

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LUKE: me and Luke have been arguing about what the gender would be, he's saying it's a girl but i'm saying it's a boy so we don't know what we're gonna do about the nursery because we don't know the gender and it's hard because we're still planning on the nursery, we already bought a crib, a rocking chair and changing table but we still need to buy clothes, toys and other stuff so planned out 2 nursery ideas one for a boy and one for a girl so we went to the store and bought  light pink and light blue paint and 6 girl outfits and boy outfits and after we got home we started to decorating the nursery but we agreed we were not gonna paint the walls until after the baby is born.

ASH: "Ash! how you seen the paint brush" i asked him and he said back "i think it's in the closet" so i went to and grabbed the paint brush i saw Ash opening the paint can and i said "i think we should go for a lighter blue" and Ash said "are you sure?" and i said "nah, but we still a need crib" and he said "i knew we were forgeting something" and i laughed and i said "dont worry, we'll get that later" and we started paint the walls and after the walls got painted and dried we went to the store to buy a crib that took forever to build and we bought other stuff like clothes and toys and it took almost 2 days to finish the room but it was finally done.

 MIKEY: Me and Michael have been planning out the nursery for a few days and we finally know what we wanna do, we're gonna do one half of the room pink and the other half blue but the room will take a few days to work on but it was worth it so we already bought the paint and and the cribs and clothes and it took almost an hour to put together the cribs but it was fun and we put them where planned and i got the cribs all doctorated and the room and it looked perfect!

CAL: since we are having a girl i wanna do something really cute but Cal wanted to something a little bit different because he did want a boy but we went and got pink paint, toys, clothes and other stuff and started the decorate the room and while i was painting Cal was putting the crib together and it took a half hour to get the room ready and finally it was finished and it looked great and i couldn't wait for the baby to be born!

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