Chapter 9. Rai

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Yoshimune sat on his seat, bomdering whether or not it would be worth the effort to stay as the guardian of the Namimori or should he allow it to fall as a victim to the other Yokais. The latter was truly a tempting idea for him, he could then go around free and do as he pleased.

His sensitive ears caught a cry from somewhere deep in the woods. Fully alerted by this, the male got up and moved towards the sound. The closer he got the clearer the disgusting sounds of something being hit repeatedly was heard.

He kept walking, his mind flashing him images and memories he'd rather forget. He knew this place all too well... His eyes widened and he felt the need to throw up, it was too much. He didn't want to remember for fucks sake! He had to stop for a while, emptying his stomach from what he'd had for dinner, which wasn't honestly much, before he wiped his mouth pushing forward.

His stomach tied itself onto a knot. He prayed that whatever he'd find, it wouldn't be THAT. Desperately, he gasped for the air, tears filling his eyes from the memories. From faces. The laugher. Oh god the laugh. It had been the worst. God let him be there on time if it is what he fears it is. Don't let it be what he thinks it is. Don't take another child like you did to him. Please.... Please. Please! PLEASE!!

And when he arrived to the scene.... He saw a young boy, maybe ten at most, going through exactly the same treatment as he had during his last day as a living, breathing, human. The cries of the boy filled his ears as he pleaded his abusers to stop, to show him mercy and kill him instead.

The daiyokai saw red.

Swiftly, without any sound, he appeared behind the men and tore them apart. His amber eyes were glowing in the darkness of the winter night, filled with disgust and hatred. He then stared down at the boy whose red eyes were filled with fear. Yet he looked a little over him making him glance behind him. But saw nothing behind him.

"Who...who's there? Please... Please don't hurt me... And if.. If.. If you want to kill me, just.. Just do it, okay? I won't fight back", the weak voice of the boy said fearfully and then it dawned to him.

The boy was blind.

The daiyokai kneeled in front of the boy, who made a weak attempt to cover himself.
Bruises, red, purple and blue covered his body all over, traces of burns, beatings and torture, everything was laid in front of his eyes.
From the corner of his eye, Yoshimune saw a tattered cloth, most likely the boy's only clothes, that had been tossed aside.

The daiyokai of Edo-shin extended a clawy hand, placing it just under the boy's chin, lifting it up so he'd see the victim more easier. Swollen eyes from crying that were red in colour stared without seeing, the small nose and rose pink lips made the boy look like a porcelain doll. His long hair wasn't tied up like normally it would've. The more he saw, the angrier the yokai got, his form shaking. The boy apparently noticed the shaking hands that had slowly moved onto the sides of his head in surprisingly gentle manner, for he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Relaxing himself slowly.

Without thinking any further, Yoshimune took off his hitatare (an overlay piece of clothing worn by men on top of kimono/yukata) and wrapped the boy into it. He then attempted to lift the boy up in his arms, noting grimly how light he was for his age. His legs carried him over to the shrine where he knocked on the door, soon being ushered inside by the head priestess.

Makoto, the priestess of the shrine and the younger sister of the daiyokai, looked at the boy with care, bathing him and treating every wound. She noted how the okami that once was her brother never left the child and thought it to be bitter irony. As she was wrapping the hands of the boy, she spoke silently.
"I thought that you despised us humans, Yoshimune", the daiyokai stayed silent, observing the boy who had long ago passed out, at the time resting against Yoshimune's chest.
"I wonder what made you change your mind", she continued, fully aware of how much this irked the elder one.
"I didn't."

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