Chapter 22 Taken

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Months had passed and a lot had happened to the young Decimo-to-be, he'd killed a man in the future (maybe? He honestly wasn't sure if Byakuran had indeed died), cleared hundred years old misunderstanding, cleared his father's name (because Iemitsu seriously wasn't capable of killing anyone although he did act like he could) and broken the Arcobaleno curse (okay, scratch that, Iemitsu could kill anyone if he wanted to, he nearly killed his own son with a rock for Pete's sake). And now he was standing on the yard with his friends, his family, Varia, Arcobaleno and the Shimon included along with the Gesso and Millefiore Famiglia.

The serene mood that plagued the air with its sunshine, birds singing, a lively, warm, breeze that went through the town, sound of laughter, all of it, came to a halt. Xanxus saw how one of the birds flew towards the alleyway, only to make a sudden shriek of pure horror as it turned around and flew away as fast as possible. Colours turned dimmer, lost their shine, becoming duller and duller, unnoticeable. Like watching the world through the eyes of someone who suffers from deep depression. Sound became absent and shadows stretched further and yet the sun was up, it was midday. Huge clouds surfed through the sky, blocking the light like a blanket. The fine instincts of the assassins, hitmen and soldiers peaked as they knew that something was off, something was coming. And that something wasn't a storm.

A sliver of light made a wide cut into the air and two shapes came out of it. A shape of a man, and a shape of a teen. They walked forward, silently and gracefully like a cat, the bright light started to dim to allow the crowd to see the people better. Next to Reborn, Hibari glenched his fists and bit strongly his teeth together, something that surprisingly went unnoticed by the group.

The shapes belonged to a boy and a man. The boy supported a face with an identical structure as Hibari, who was staring at the him, wore light purple kimono with light pink flowers. His eyes, one blue and one grey, looked calm and happy, as he kept scanning the audience that consisted of mafiosos. Yet while the boy looked normal, or as normal as a teenager with hair that's half red and half white and a burn mark on his left eye area, his company surely wasn't.

Man in a shining chest plate and a samurai like kimono and hitatare. Two swords were strapped onto his hip, but that wasn't what took their attention. It was his face. It was like looking at an older version of Tsuna with tattoos. Tattoos that painted a bright star onto his forehead, red stripe on each of his high cheekbone and red eyelids. Underneath those red eyelids stared a pair of bright amber eyes, that glew similar to the infamous hyper dying will mode. His hair was long from the back and spiky in a gravity defying way from the top. And there were beads in his hair, braided into the long strands and each time a light touched them, they reflected the light in one of the seven colours.

Without a word, the man extended his hand towards the crew, towards Tsuna, who kept staring at him. With confidence, the teenager started to walk forward towards the redhead as if he knew him. They heard the foot steps, coming at them at high speed, while they all were glued to their places, still like stone statues.

While the crew was in their statue state, Sawada Nana threw herself in front of the man, her whole body shaking in fear. "Please. Please! Please don't take away my baby boy! I beg of you Yoshimune! Spare my son from the horrors that await of him in your care!" she cried but the man paid no mind to her as his hand had finally reached Tsunayoshi's. His already delicate hand turned smaller and smaller until it was the size of a child's. The glowing redhead took the miniature version of Tsuna, a crying infant Tsuna, to his arms and wiped away his tears, humming a lullaby as he so did. "Papaaaa, please don't leave Tsu-kun again! Mama was so sad when you went away, Tsu-kun was sad when you went away!"

Iemitsu felt how all the hairs in his body stood up from the chill he felt. He knew well that he'd left Tsuna and Nana alone for a long time, maybe too long. Yet he couldn't move, he was glued to the ground too tight.

Reborn felt himself shiver, he knew how much an absentee father could affect a child, or an absent parent in general. He'd seen it in Tsuna, he'd seen it in Dino, he saw it in himself. Himself, who'd grown up with a mother who went day after day work in hazardous working conditions just so that Reborn and his younger brother could have a good life and enough food on their plate, even skipping meals herself inorder to make sure they had enough, without a father who'd do heavy work after the wars, a sniper in the war, who was bested by another. He'd grown to be almost possessive over his students because he knew how it felt. He hadn't always been Reborn the Hitman, once he was known as Renato, the bastard child down the street. So when he saw No Good Tsuna and Clumsy Dino, he felt kinship to them, related to them, yet he would never let it show.

The glowing man took the hand of the teen next to him, holding Tsuna on with on arm, while the small child held onto his neck, shyly waving at the group. The trio didn't give a damn over the crying of Nana, who had collapsed onto the ground as a sobbing mess a long ago, instead, they headed towards the alleyway. The statue like audience could se him spare a look and a nod to the teenager, who did something, opening the portal to the shining unknown once again. They stepped through the doorway to the light and disappeared, the whisper of the man finally releasing them from their trance.

"Come to my shrine if you wish to bargain"

Gokudera and Iemitsu were the first ones to react, both unaware of the spiritual phenomenon and the beliefs of the town. "TEEEEEEEEEEENTHHHHHH/TSUNAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" the two screamed long after the people who'd taken the heir of Vongola and vanished literally into thin air. Reborn looked around the group to the faces of the lot to see who knew something and who didn't. The mix of shocked and guilty faces told everything there was to see and surprisingly enough there was.... Acceptance.

And who were the people with the last emotion on their faces? Our Namimori citizens', Ryohei, Kyoko, Shoichi, Takeshi, Kyoya and Haru.
Reborn pulled his fedora down and started to walk towards the Sawada residence, his killing intent rising through the roof and up to the cosmos. "Emergency meeting. Now."

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