Chapter 28 The End

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Once the old woman had disappeared to the clearing, Yoshimune turned his attention back to the large group of people, his brows furrowed. "I thought that only family would be coming", he exclaimed, it was as if he hadn't even noticed the group before the incident although he spoke to them! "I can understand the old man, the fake baby, the mother and the so called father, but the rest of you? No"

Xanxus glared at the demon in front of him, like anyone who'd been brought up in strictly Catholic country and taken it into the heart, and growled lowly. "I may not recognise the brat as the Decimo, but that doesn't mean that he's not family", his retort surprising those who had no idea of his tender heart, that he'd hide under the tough layers of anger. The gold-eyed man stared at him, his eyes unreadable, as he turned to look at the others. His porcelain like complexion showing the same coldness as his expression, slender fingers twitchy, caused by the tone and utterly impolite way that the Varia boss had presented himself.

It was clear that the man was unhappy with what he was given, yearned to cut down the foe that insulted him in this way, but he kept himself calm, forced feelings down to his throat as to not bark at the young man. He recognised the man as someone who wasn't fully an adult yet, a leader who was wet behind the ears, an idealist, immature child thrown too soon into the world. Son of an oni, the other half of the child of the Inu, Muzaka's brother.

His icyness melted away slowly, the fires within were calmed and soon they stepped inside the calm that the man had generated for himself.

Yamamoto recognised this calming feeling, his closest friend, his first true friend, had the same kind of calm. He couldn't deny it anymore, this man was Tsuna's father, things like the aura one radiated was inherited. And while Iemitsu did have something similar, it wasn't quite the same, Iemitsu was more like the calm before the storm. He wasn't a classic sky, he was the inverted type, not completely, but still close. But this red head.. This spirit, was a Sky with an capital S. And on top of it he was an old sky too, very old.

The old sky looked at them, truly looked at them, right into their hearts and souls. And then... He smiled.

He looked like a proud father upon hearing all about his son's achievements as he looked over them, eyes tender and genuine.

Before they were clouded by something as his gaze went back to the couple that were supposedly the parents of the Decimo.

"Sawada Nana, Sawada Iemitsu....", he said with a voice that was made to be heard by everyone and everything with the radius, yet it never rouse above the point of normal speech. Reborn immediately recognised the tone, it was made to be obeyed, made for giving orders, voice of a leader, and he couldn't help but wonder if his student would someday have that very same tone when he spoke without squeaking whenever he became unsure of himself. The thought filled him with hope for the future.

"As you two have failed to support your charge", the group noted the absence of acknowledgement of the two being Tsuna's parents, "You will be the ones to raise the child on your arms as yours".

Lambo's eyes met the golden pair, speechless conversation passing through the man and the child. The cow child's eyes were filled with wonder and tears of relief as he was finally looking at someone who acknowledged his existence and who he was. The boy became fully aware of the role he just had been given, he was allowed to be who he was. A child. A right to be a child instead of a soldier, instead of an assassin, instead of being target to practice on. And this man would tear apart the whole world to make sure that the Sawada couple would do their job as parents this time. And if not, he'd come and take him himself. It was a relief to the small boy who only wanted to be loved and cherished like the child he was.

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