Chapter 23 Isekai

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Tsuna glutched onto the soft fabric of the kimono worn by his abductor, who felt so familiar and warm that it nearly hurt. The boy had been reversed to show his age within the years of a yokai, and in their eyes, he was nothing but an infant. Yet he kept his knowledge of the human world and everything he'd learned there.

This new world was truly an odd one, Tsuna mused to himself as he watched the scenery slide past slowly as if rocked by the stream. His eyes started to slowly close, feeling safe in the arms of the strange man. Absent mindedly, the chestnut haired boy noted how the other beings bowed their heads when they passed. He saw another man, whose eyes were bright yellow and reminded him of a cat. The man with dark and slightly curly hair bowed his head little, his red and white clothes making Tsuna think of the Namimori shrine and the people who worked there, the priest and the maidens mainly. "My lord", the man said with a little lower voice than the red head's, "Is that him? Did you finally bring your younger son home?"

Tsuna's eye flashed open in an instant revealing their peculiar colour of amber, confusion written all over his face. The red head places his hand over Tsuna's, gently brushing his fingers through the silk like hair. "Yes Ryoma, this is my son Tsunayoshi, whom I conceived with a mortal woman who prayed for a child of her own when her husband couldn't fulfil her wish", Tsuna turned his head to look more closely the man he'd only gotten few peeks of until now. Just in time to see his abdu- FATHER plant a soft kiss onto the right cheek of the male with yellow eyes. So this was Ryoma from the letter?

Embarrassed by the expression of affection, Tsuna allowed his eyes wander around them, he saw creatures with different shapes and forms, few were in human form, but even then they had something off in them. There were onis with their horns, some with two (kirin/kijins), some with one, there were fox eared people with tails from one to up to nine, there were see through people, there were umbrellas with faces, scrolls with eyes, it just went on and on.

The World was also different from the one he had grown used to, this world, Isekai, had multi coloured light, traditional houses, gardens, statues, gobble stone streets, it was over all a peaceful sight. The fairy lights and lanterns that went above their heads, lighting the town(?) each held their own light, yet calming colour and no lantern was the same as another.

He felt the man holding him to start moving again, and curiosity made him look forward.

There, at the end of the street, was a castle, though it was more of a fortress, and in front of the doors and the gates were seven people waiting for them. Tsunayoshi's eyes spotted a fox dressed in light blue yukata with indigo flowers, whose nine tails were wagging, betraying the otherwise emotionless mask of the female, whose long midnight dark hair had been tied onto a bun. Right next to her stood another fox, her clothing being a little more modernized version of the traditional wear, supporting indigo and orange with pride, her white hair having tints of light pink in it.

Tsuna saw a Tanuki munching on a sundae, only gods knew how he'd get his hands onto one, his form quickly morphing into green hue wearing young man with black hair, a scar going over his right eye, a humorous tint colouring his eyes brown, sometimes flashing green due to the light showing to the world his habits including the dark hours of the night. The boy saw a girl in a traditional clothing, dressed like a geisha with her makeup supporting this theory, her clothing reminding Tsuna of winter and the warm fire in a fireplace at evenings.

Next one he saw was a young woman who stood tall emitting a leader like aura, her clothes mixing orange, blue and yellow, somehow making it all work. Her hair was long and made to resemble those hairstyles usually seen on an empress. Next one the brunette's eyes fixated on was a blonde woman with blue eyes, her clothes were pleasingly pink with purple and green mixed in, Tsuna immediately recognised her as Chihiro-kami. Between Chihiro-kami and the Empress like lady stood a man who resembled that of a samurai, his strength washing over the land, yet not claiming it as his. The man proudly carried two swords on his left side, mirroring the redhead, his long black hair tied up to complete the image of a samurai wearing expensive kimono.

Lastly was a face Tsuna recognised from the past as his memory was restored in a blink of an eye. It was the lady from the woods, Kae, her hairstyle still being the same pony tail she'd had when he last saw her, her clothes once again being yukata with flowery pattern with a mix of indigo and light blue on a black base. The same Kaede, who'd stopped him when he got too low.

Seeing them, just feeling their presence was enough to put him at ease, and know that he was safe from most dangers that the World could throw into his way. If he had been doubting the bond between him and the man, who still cradled Tsuna on his arms like the most precious cargo he'd ever held, it was all gone by now, this other world had its ways to share information to those who'd be willing to listen. And the brunette was one to precisely do that. He listened to the wind that told the story that dated back hundreds of years, maybe even thousands, of his real father and how he'd become who he was now. It told him how he'd first fallen for a mortal woman, who'd died soon after their meeting, it told him of the birth of his older brother Ieyasu, it told him how the proud daiyokai fell in love with his soul mate Ryoma, it told him how Ryoma himself over talked Yoshimune to help Nana. He heard all this, and smiled. He couldn't wait to meet his siblings.

While Tsuna was bathing in the happy sensation and light of his other family, the Vongola and its allies stood grim in the Sawada household, listening to the woman who gave birth to Tsuna cry in her room endlessly. Not all of them were present though, not yet, the Shimon had made a small trip to the mall to get something to calm Nana down with. And so they were waiting for them to return, the strongest (ex)arcobaleno, Reborn, tapping his fingers onto the table in an agitated manner.

After a while, footsteps were heard, and Adelheid bursted in eyes wild and wide open, two grocery bags in the hands.


Iemitsu breathed air in quickly through his teeth, this couldn't be a good sign. Behind him, six people closed their eyes, not surprised if such thing happening.

"No Decimo, I am not your great great great great great grandfather, I am your older brother" "But but, you lived during the eighteenth century! You're two hundred years old!"

Ieyasu, also known as Giotto or Primo by those who wanted to be quick while speaking, sighed to himself as he attempted to explain everything to Tsunayoshi in a way that it'd make most sense while not turning the younger boy's brain into a goo." You know how father is a yokai, right? Well, because of the blood relation to him, we're basically what others would call a hanyuu and as hanyuu, we have a lot longer life span compared to humans, however, if the hanyuu blood crosses too many times in the family, ie interbreeding, it'll result in at least one child incapable of having children of their own", Tsuna made a face, which told older male that he didn't quite like the image he just got into his head. But he went further. "Iemitsu is nearly sterile, it'd take countless tries from him to be able to conceive a child, which is why father decided to simply assume his form and fulfil the wish of your mother."

Reborn turned his attention towards the unnaturally quiet Namimori born Guardians and his fellow (ex)arcobaleno, who was sagely drinking green tea on the table, next to Hibari's seat. His abyss like eyes stared at them, making the weaker to shudder as they knew that the Hitman wouldn't rest before he knew what was going on.

The light coloured room fell silent as the people turned their attention to the direction the petite man's gaze. Shimon, Varia, CEDEF, fellow Vongola, all of them kept their eyes open, unblinking, as they demanded for answers. Yamamoto gulped audibly, knowing that they'd have to bring up the old legend, and at worst, summon the legend himself.

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