Chapter 16 Child of Frost and the Child of an Oni

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Todoroki family was known for being all mighty and heroic, from its current generation, the most notable person was called Endeavour.

The man was obsessed with strength and would train his children from very young age, the more "gifted" they were, the harder the "training would be. It was alarming for the descendant of the loving priestess to be so cruel and uncaring, and from the second the man got married, Yoshimune's eyes were on his back like glued.

The man with hell fire quirk would every now and then have the feeling of being followed, but could never quite figure out by whom or what. That was until the fated day with his son.

Endeavour had just come to the scene where his wife had poured boiling water onto the face of the youngest child in the family, Shouto, whom Endeavour had chosen to become his protégé, who'd inherit his power, for the child's fire quirk was purer than his older siblings. Furious, the uncaring man dragged the screaming woman to the hospital, lying of her mental distress in order to keep her locked up, such a cruel man he was.

Young Shouto was left on the porch of the house swallowing his tears and trying not to be heard by his siblings, ashamed of getting hurt like that, and woving to never use the flames. He didn't matter really if his tiny body was covered in bruises because of his "training", but the scared look in his mother's eyes had told made him afraid of his own power. The red and white haired child sat on the stairs, silent.

A sound of some light fabric moving was heard and then...

He wasn't alone on the stairs.

His mismatched eyes widened in shock, fresh burn marks still hurting his left side of the face.

The person radiated this calm and serene aura, telling the child that the person wearing the expensive looking clothes had to be very strong to be able to be so calm. The man's eyes were bright amber and appeared to glow slightly, but it didn't make him scary at all, his ladylike face made sure of him still being approachable looking. His red hair was wild and untamed, grown longer in the back than in front that defied gravity. The man smiled him.

"Do you wish to come home now Shouto? We can visit your mother whenever you want to".

Years had been passing at a very high speed since Timoteo Vongola adopted young Xanxus into the family. Long ten years and he still hadn't been able to track down the boy's real father. Xanxus would've been nineteen now, had it not been for his actions near his sixteenth birthday that forced the compassionate mafioso to freeze him, to protect both the Famiglia and Xanxus from the harm although it tore his heart to see the boy in that state.

Hed assumed originally that Xanxus was blind, that he suffered from partial albinism, which caused his eyes to not have any pigment in them, showing only the red veins of the eyeball,but he'd soon learned that the boy's eyesight was perfect.

Then there had been his odd markings that only came visible whenever he was angry. The dark brown markings that appeared like tattoos, matching his skin tone perfectly, drawing circles and line onto his face and chest. Most notable was the circle shape on his forehead, it seemed very strange yet important. Timoteo had grown to love those markings, wondered what they were and how they correlated with the boy's flames, but that was never truly found out.

The old man looked at the scartissue that was now on his son's once beautifully clean face, regretting what he'd done. For Xanxus would never be able to get rid of those scars even if he wanted to. The negative sky flames made a lot of damage if used in such a hurried manner as they'd been used three years ago.

Hidden within the walls of the Vongola Mansion, the Ookami Daio kept observing the old man and his frozen son, feeling their feelings and shaking his head at them. It all had been just a great misunderstanding, the man who wished to protect his son by not telling him about the fact that they weren't related by blood and hurting the boy by accident and the young man incapable of thinking of what he'd learned from different perspective. The yokai stared at the son for a minute before turning away, he knew who the boy's real father was.

And that the yokai in question would've eaten the boy had he known of his existence. Onis were like that.

Or at least some of them were, and this specific oni had taken liking to the taste of humans long time ago. It was a miracle that he'd even decided to be with a mortal, but from the sounds of it, the poor woman had nearly lost her mind completely. Turning into delusion to protect both herself and her son, who she then gave up to the Vongola Don.

Daio kept staring at the boycicle, his eyes seeing the hidden clan marks inch toward the wounds inorder to strengthen the scar tissue. The Ookami sighed, knowing all too well how the meeting between the father and son pair would go, would their paths ever cross. Silently the alpha woved to end the oni and his endless stream of terror.

From his slumber within the ice, Xanxus felt the presence of the Lord appear and disappear, he frowned in his mind. Silently the boy wondered if the person who he'd known for following him from afar was his real parent. But he didn't dare to wish for it to be true. Last time he hoped like that, his "father" had turned out to be a traitorous old man, who lied to him of his inheritance.

While both Daio and Timoteo left the room, the two old men felt like they left a piece of their hearts behind in the room of ice and regret.

To all three, the feeling reminded them of the words that are oh so often used in romantic novels, that hid the greater truth within.

"Each person has more than just one soul mate".

And while Xanxus was not the soul mate of either Timoteo nor Daio, there was no denying that his own fate was intertwined with theirs. After all... For every soul mate, there is also a child of the same soul.

While Yoshimune's and Jun's "soul child" was Rai. Daio's and Jun's was Muzaka. And now.....

Timoteo and Daio had Xanxus.

The two men, compatibile with each other, capable of understanding each other and the grief they both had gone through.

Timoteo had lost a wife and two of his sons were missing while his close friends were already buried beneath the nutritious ground, Daio, during his long life, had lost many pups, mates and friends.

The physically older man stepped inside his office and immediately felt how the hair at the back of his neck stood up.
He wasn't alone.

A polite cough from behind alerted him of the whereabouts of the intruder, yet Nono chose to turn around slowly. He knew better than to hurry like that, especially since he didn't feel any threat coming from the male. It was quite the contradiction honestly.

The man felt sad, lonely, tired and just utterly gloomy.

The grey haired and bearded man stared at the person in front of him, who stood there in a samurai like clothes, eyeing him from head to toe.

The duo stared at each other into eyes, they minds whispering to them that they knew this person in front of them and that they could trust each other.

The samurai leaned on the wall with wide eyes that stared right through the elderly. Timoteo's eyes softened.

"So you were the person Xanxus told me of as a child.. The man who watched him from afar"
"And you are the person who has been raising him since he was a child.. Accepting him like your own"

The duo stared at each other for a while again before the Vongola Nono offered his hand to a shake.
"Timoteo Vongola"
"Ookami Daio"

The two dads of Xanxus shook hands, unaware of the bond that formed between them, a bond where the fire met the darkness and put into motion the events that would eventually end to the Light of the Mafia being selected as the heir.

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