09 ➳ new revelations

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I open my eyes and am greeted by the cool metal beneath me and a bright light above. Fear begins to course through my veins at the realization that I have no idea where I am and that my last memory was getting shot in the subway. I am not going to lie, for a second I did think that maybe I was in some type of afterlife, but it was way too nice wherever I was and I am pretty positive that I am not going to the good place when I do go.

I wanted to move, to get up and run and find Roy to make sure that he was okay, but it was as if my body weighed a million tons and my shoulder was being stabbed with a sizzling fire poker. As I lay on the cold slab of metal gathering my strength to escape from wherever I am, I hear a soft voice whisper

"I think she is awake."

As footsteps begin towards me I think of all the possible ways I can get out of this. I can feel that they have removed my jacket, therefore all the weapons I have, and when I click my heels I do not hear the familiar chime of my ring daggers. I hear the footsteps grow nearer and nearer and I know it's now or never. I gather all the strength within me and whip myself behind the table, pushing it over to cause a distraction, despite the excruciating pain in my shoulder. Behind me, I hear a man's voice yelling for me to stop and to wait, and I am intrigued by how familiar it sounds. However, the only voice I would turn around for right now would be Roy's or Sam's and it is neither so I kept going. The space is small and the only exit I can see is a staircase on my right so I bolt towards it as fast as I can, my heart racing and my vision darkening from pain. Yet before I can ascend someone steps right in front of me, blocking my path. I go to punch with my non-injured arm, only for him to catch it mid-swing, and before I can rebound he says my name.

"Bridget stop."

How does he know my name? I look up to meet his eyes and gasp as I come face to face with the Oliver Queen, as in the billionaire playboy Oliver Queen that just recently came back from the dead. What the hell is he doing here and how does he know who I  am?

"I know what you are thinking, how do I know who you are?" Billionaire, playboy, and psychic apparently, "Meet Felicity Smoak, she is the brains of my operation and she is the one who found your information. We are not here to hurt you, I was with you when you were shot so I brought you back so we could tend to your wound." He gestures to my shoulder, which I know realize is bandaged up. 

The blonde girl, Felicity, speaks up behind Oliver "Protip, the wound won't heal very well if you continue to flip tables at random strangers."

My head is spinning. If Oliver was the one with me on the subway car, that must mean he is the new vigilante. He is the green hood, the emerald archer, the green arrow. How on earth does a pampered rich boy know how to defend himself like that? Doesn't he have hired security to do it for him? Then again, he did manage to survive long enough to be presumed dead and then return to the living. I have so many questions but right now the only one I want to know is,

"The savior, is he dead?"

Oliver nods and I let out a breath of relief. 

"Good." I say, "Now I need to go, I need to check in on someone."

"Your friend Roy Harper is okay, do not worry." Felicity informs me, most of me feeling relieved by her words but then a part of me feeling a bit sketched out at how much she seems to know about me. 

"Still, I need to let him know I am okay, he is probably going crazy because, unlike you people, I don't live in the good part of town, and when someone doesn't come home at night it is never a good thing."

I try to pass Oliver and head up the stairs to go, but he just moves to block me. 

"What are you doing?" I ask, my voice laced with annoyance.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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