02 ➳ the glade showers are shit

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If I had to pin point the worst part about living in the Glades, I would probably say it's the fact that the fucking shower only stays warm for like two minutes.

I mean seriously. What makes us such shitty people that a girl can't even have a nice shower every once in a while?

"Roy! I need a towel!" I screamed down the hall as I wiggled my feet which were still submerged in the now freezing cold water.

I had to wait for the loud groan before my request was actually acknowledged and a towel was thrown roughly at my face.

"Thank you?"

Now I know what you're thinking. Since I'm living with Roy he must ultimately be my boyfriend or my brother. Well I am here to inform you, just like all the other people that jump to conclusions, that we are neither.

I've known Roy since I was three. As in before my parents got murdered in the middle of an alley way and before Roy's dad became a major fucktard and got himself killed.

We grew up together, and with the little amount of shit we had, I guess we decided to hang onto each other for safe keeping.

And since, like I said previously, both Roy and I's parents are dead, that "safe keeping" leads to us here. In Roy's old house, which is oh so conventionally placed in the center of the 'danger zone', with no warm water, and absolutely no sexual relationship.

At all.



I stepped out of the bathroom casually wrapping the towel around my body and heading to the one dresser we had in our three roomed house.

Grabbing my pjs I realized I really had no motivation to get dressed yet, so I plopped down on the bed in my towel and stared at the tiny screen with Roy, listening to some story about Oliver freaking Queen. Prince of Starling City and apparently now a member of the living dead.

"I'm surprised he made it that long without a sex buddy." I scoffed as I began to pick at my dark nail polish.

"I'm surprised you've lasted this long without one as well." He commented a smug smile appearing on his surprisingly un-bruised face.

"Shut the fuck up Harper." I growled punching him in the arm and standing to go get dressed. "And by the way, dibs on the bed tonight."

An annoyed sigh was heard behind me as I strutted into the bathroom to finish getting dressed.

I wiped away the fog in the mirror and just took a moment to stare at myself. Not like 'wow I love looking at myself' but more like, examining my flaws.

I traced my finger over the small scar underneath my chin from an accident when I was little, and the one near my hairline from when I cracked my head open playing tag with Roy in an abandoned warehouse... Very bad idea.

My blonde hair fell down my shoulders like a wet mop, my eyes that weird mix between green and blue that just confuses people when they try to determine your eye color.

To be honest I looked like shit, but what can you do when you're a seventeen year old girl that can only take two minute showers and gets into alleyway fights every other night.

I returned back to the living room/bedroom to see Roy still sitting in the same place staring at the tv like a robot.

Jumping onto the squeaky spring mattress a loud creak sounded when I landed, making the eighteen year old boy flinch.

"Why do you get the bed?" He finally turned away from the screen, whining as he pulled off the literal only sweatshirt he owns, and throwing it in a red heap on the ground. "You had it yesterday."

Making myself as comfortable as physically possible I rolled over towards him "Because I called dibs."

He quirked an eyebrow as he eyed the tiny, worn, old mattress.

"We can both sleep on it..."

My eyes instinctively rolled "Roy it's a twin bed, I'm not sharing it with you."

"Well it's my house so either deal with it or leave."

I let out a sigh of frustration. Why does he always play the ownership card on me?


A small smile appeared on his tan face as he scooted in next to me and attempted to wrap me in a hug, but not as a kind gesture. Oh hell no. Hugs? I don't do "hugs". And of all people this dimwit knows that.

My elbow swung backwards knocking him off of me and causing a small pained groan to erupt from his mouth.

"Don't touch me Harper or I swear to god you won't be waking up tomorrow."

"Love you too Bridget, love you too."

➴➶➴ ➶➴ ➶

So this is just kind of a get to know Roy and Bridget's relationship.

Bridget will be the main character and if he calls her Bry it's her pronounced how it's spelled even though her name is pronounced bridge-it. I have a weird mind okay.

Anyways. I hope you liked this please vote/ comment.

Thank you for reading!!!

Xoxo Cara oxoX

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