04 ➳ threats involving mallets

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"So did you knock some sense into the kid?" Sam questioned as I walked back defeated, seeing as I had done the exact opposite.

"You know he's older than me right?" I chuckled considering Sam still refers to him as "kid".

"But younger than me. Not all of us are babies like you."

My smile dropped. People judging based on my age is one of my major pet peeves. "Shut the fuck up Parker."

"Anyways," he changed the subject grabbing me at the waist and pulling me tight against his body "I believe we were interrupted..."

The urge I had to kiss that boy was overwhelming, but I somehow amazingly found it in myself to restrain that urge, placing a single finger on his lips, making his eyes snap open.

"Listen, you have no earthly idea how much I want to continue this right now, but I need to see if Roy is okay. He was a little out of it after our talk."

Sam gave me a sad puppy dog look but with a hint of jealousy, he has never been a fan of how I have a tendency to choose Roy over him at times. His soft brown eyes made it hard for me to hold my ground but I knew if I didn't catch Roy soon he would probably attempt to do something else stupid and illegal.

I laid a small peck on Sam's pink lips and requested for him to meet me at my house at eight before I sprinted off in the opposite direction, just hoping that the "kid" hadn't gotten in any trouble in the past five minutes since I last saw him.

And with that "kid" being Roy Harper I'm not feeling so hopeful.


Turning the corner to our house I went straight into yelling. If this delinquent was even in the vicinity of the house he would hear me.

"So you are just gonna run off? Ya, real mature Harper it's not like –" I stopped in my tracks as soon as I saw a familiar brunette at the door

"Thea Queen?"

"You two know each other?" Roy questioned, stepping out of the doorway

"You could say that."

Thea Queen is not only queen by blood but queen by choice. Queen bee and Queen Bitch.

Back when my parents were alive, and I actually attended school, Thea and I were classmates. And since I'm not the details kinda gal let's just cut to the chase and say I had a rough time in school, and the slutty bitch standing before me along with her demonic hoe posy were usually the reason why.

"Bridget Dickens... well you look" she eyed me up and down with a fake smile plastered underneath her most likely fake nose "... darker."

"Ya, well that's kind of what happens when you watch your parents get murdered and then are forced to drop out of high school to live in a shit hole. But you know I'm glad you noticed that I got darker." I growled beginning to walk up the front steps of the porch.

"I lost a family member too Bridget, I know how it fe –"

"Don't you dare compare yourself to me!" I snapped, making her Gucci heeled feet take a step backwards. "Cause we are nothing alike. My family isn't going to magically come back to life like yours did. You are just a rich, spoiled, brat that only cares about herself." I took a look at the Michael Kors bag I still had in my hand before shoving it into her chest. "Here's your fucking purse. Oh, and if you try to speak to me again be aware that there's a very high chance I might pound your face in with a mallet. Have a nice day," I bent down in a curtsey to add to the tension "Ms. Queen."

She looked on the verge of tears but I guess that's karma bitch, considering I spent most of my nights at home bawling my eyes out for the majority of my childhood. I stormed into the house and went straight to the side wall, punching it hard with my fist. A small dent was left in the crappy material as my knuckles burned red and began to bruise, scattered with small cuts from the shitty insulation. Sliding down the wall I laid my head between my knees, taking deep breaths like my mother had taught me when I was little. I few seconds later I heard the door close and footsteps coming closer to me.

Picking my head up slowly from my knees I came face to face with my concerned roomie, who's worry meter increased about three times the original amount once he saw my face.

"Bridget, what the hell was that? Is your hand bleeding?" he interrogated grabbing my injured hand in his.

"It's not that big a deal." I commented pulling my hand out of his firm grasp.

His eyes stared straight into mine like burning blue lasers "Last time I checked, busted knuckles, a dented wall, and threating a random girl with a mallet is not a small deal. Especially for you."

"Ya well last time I checked being arrested for the fourteenth time, yes I've counted, is not a "small" deal either."

"Don't try and put this on me. We both have our own issues. Yours are just a tad more violent, and dangerous issues." I could sense the true concern lacing his words reminding me that the reason I stopped the violence and danger was because of the very concern I am hearing now. I can't send him back down that hole again. Letting out a sigh I stared back at him.

"I'm sorry Roy... I don't know what's wrong with me..." I let a small tear roll down my face taking some of my makeup with it. His red clothed arms protectively wrapped around my body as we stood up from the ground.

"Don't apologize..." he pulled back and gave me a small smile. "I'm gonna get you something for your hand."

"Roy." I stopped him, laying my non-injured hand on his tense shoulder. "You need to stop worrying about me so much. You'll get hurt."

"If I'm not here to worry about you Dickins, who will?"

A small laugh escaped my mouth as I pushed a stray hair from my face.

Only one thing coursed through my mind, I need to find a way to get him to lay low on the whole concern thing, because crime in Starling is starting to increase and I'm starting to realize that it might be time to put the pizza back down and put the mask back on.


Ladidadida... well.... More of Roy and Bridget here for y'all which I hope you enjoyed even though it was a little all over the place and ya.

OH! And it is official, there ship name will be.... Drum roll please....


It was suggested in a comment and I thought it sounded super cool so if you don't like it sucks to suck.

Anyways, thank you so much for all of the support I'm getting! I didn't think it would get views and votes this quickly but y'all are just amazing thank you so much!

So please continue to vote or comment. Even pm me with ideas or suggestions. I am usually pretty open to them considering my imagination can only go so far.

Love you guys and thanks for reading.


Xoxo Cara oxoX

Masquerade ➳ Roy HarperTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon