05 ➳ roy is my mom dad and personal idiot

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dedicated to Clace_Percabeth_4evzfor always commenting and being super cool :)


The urge to get out of the house and go help the new Starling vigilante in his encounters is growing to be unbearable but, of course, Roy is refusing to let me go outside for my "protection". I sat on the side of the bed tapping my foot impatiently as I listened to a report on some returning criminal that they call 'the huntress' and I am aching to get in with the action.

As I sat pondering how the hell I'm gonna escape without injuring or drugging Roy, the very gate keeper himself popped up behind me with a slice of pizza.

"Thanks." I mumbled going to grab the food.

He pulled the plate away from my arm making it fall to the bed below. "Uh... this is not for you." He commented taking a bite out what I thought was my food.

I let out a low grumble "Douche."

"Oh I forgot to tell you, that one bitch that you hate offered me a job today." He acknowledged as I sat up to go retrieve something better to eat than Roy's pizza.

"Wait... which bitch?"

"You know that one bitch with the bitchy haircut and the face."

"Oh, that bitch. If I were you I wouldn't take the job. Thea Queen only cares about herself, I'll be amazed if they even give you a reasonable paycheck." Setting down the box of mac & cheese I let out a sigh as I spotted my Japanese ring daggers in the same place where I last hid them. Roy seemed pretty involved in his pizza as he switched the channels back and forth to look for something to watch so slowly and as quietly as possible, I turned the "broken" toaster upside down and pulled the daggers out of the bottom, slipping them into the case I sewed onto the side of my black converse.

Tiptoeing towards the door I twisted the knob just hoping and praying it wouldn't squeal like usual. Of course with my luck, the door knob didn't make a sound but as soon as the door opened a loud squeak erupted into my ears and I'm sure Roy's as well.

"Where do you think you're going?" he questioned, coming out of nowhere and pressing all of his weight on the door to close it in front of me.

Thinking on my feet I spit out the first random excuse that popped into my head "Uh... I have to go to the bathroom."

Wait what?

"Wait what?" he voiced my thoughts

"Ya... umm it's this new program thing I saw on tv that helps you not pee as much... something about channeling your inner wild animal or something..." I let out a nervous laugh "Ya.. pretty weird I know. Might as well see if it works." I presented a fake smile as I went for the knob again.

"I'll come with you." He commented unexpectedly mimicking the fake smile I had on my face.

"I would rather not have you there when I go to the bathroom. We are close Roy," I laid a firm hand on his shoulder "Not that close." One last time, I reached for the door actually kind of opening it this time before I felt it close underneath my palm again I let out a loud groan "GOD ROY. Why can't you just let me attempt a new way to maintain homeostasis...ugh."

"Cut the crap Bry, there is no fucking inner animal program that you saw on tv. What are you actually doing?" he gave me the mom look, you know the one when you tell them the half-truth and then they just give you a look that totally translates to 'tell me the whole truth', ya well I'm currently on the receiving end from a teenage boy.

"Fine, I'm going to see Sam." I lied, but this time more believably.

"You know I don't like that guy."

Masquerade ➳ Roy HarperWhere stories live. Discover now