06 ➳ abort mission

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I walked into our house with the cry baby trailing behind me. We hadn't said a word the whole car ride and to be honest I just wanted to go to sleep and keep it that way.

"So we aren't gonna talk about this?" He questioned behind me and I groaned.

"What is there to talk about Roy? You were being annoying and I shut you up the only way I know how. I'm with Sam. I love Sam."

I could hear my voice crack a little as I spoke the last statement which made no sense in my mind. I mean I do love Sam. At least I did love him.

There's no reason not to.

We've known each other forever, he watches out for me, he knows how to make me laugh, I feel safe around him, and I mean he's a great kisser.

But now that I think about it, all of those characteristics could also be used to describe the red hooded kid standing before me.

His voice broke me out of my mental battle, snapping me back into reality.

"So you're telling me that what happened back there felt no different than when you kiss Sam? Be honest Bridget, you know I can tell when you're lying."


I know he's not bluffing. I have proof he can pin point when I lie. Apparently I have some sort of "tell" but he refuses to tell me what it is because of the fact that it benefits him.

I just have to figure out a way to tell the truth without, well, telling the truth.

Of course it felt different. I mean different guys different lips. But if I'm being honest with myself it was more than that.

It was like, that sizzle of electricity I feel when I'm with Sam was a full blown firework display when I kissed Roy.

But I can't say that. It will ruin everything.

I mean, what if we break up?

And knowing us it will obviously be a bad break up. Actually, bad is probably an understatement.

I will be homeless number one but more importantly, I'll lose my best friend.

"Obviously it felt different Roy..." I began, still trying to structure my sentence without giving him a reason to suspect how I feel about this "I've known you since I was three years old and... You're my best friend Roy, I can't jeopardize that."

He took a step closer to me making it hard to keep focus on his eyes and only his eyes

"That's not the answer I'm looking for Bry..."

"Ya.... Well..." My eyes instinctively took a glance at his lips.





I transitioned my eyes back to his big blue ones.

"That's the answer you're gonna get. I'm staying with Sam tonight, I'll see you tomorrow." My voice was quick as were my actions, pushing my roommate away from my personal space and bolting out the door to Sam's house around the corner.

Knocking feverishly on the door I almost punched Sam in the face when he opened it.

"Calm it down Bry." He let out a small laugh, manually lowering my fist as I walked in without invitation.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He questioned eying my shivering out of breath self. "It's freezing and you're not even wearing a coat-"

"I'm okay mom. Roy and I just got in a... thing... and so I came here. I mean if it's not okay with you I can totally leave its fine I-"

Grabbing my face in his hands, he cut me off the same way I did Roy, pushing his soft lips to mine.

But the problem is, now, after just kissing Roy I could feel the difference, and it was very significant.

But I ignored it.

I couldn't let him know something was wrong because then he would ask questions, and then I would have to give answers, and then Roy would get answers , and Roy can't have the answers to the questions he wants answered.

So I went with the flow wrapping my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers in his curly hair.

Pulling back he smiled at me "God I missed you."

I smiled back, but weakly. "Ya... I missed you too."

Going back in for another kiss I tried to push all my thoughts to the back of my mind, because even here, in Sam's house, with him, doing this, the only person I could think about was the infamous

Roy Harper.


Welp. So you had Ridget in here but at the same time you had anti-Ridget.

Either way please vote/comment if you enjoyed and thank you for all your support in such a short time!

Love y'all

Xoxo Cara oxoX

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