03 ➳ roy the dumbass

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I woke up with light shining through the open blinds into my eyes and a familiar arm wrapped around my waist.

Peeling the limb off of me I shoved it back to the bare chested owner laying beside me.

"One, I told you not to touch me Harper, and two, what happened to your shirt?" I questioned gesturing to his muscular chest with my eyes.

Just... Gesturing... Ya.

"It got hot." He answered nonchalantly, rubbing his face to wake himself up a bit more.

"Well maybe if you would've stayed on your side it wouldn't have been so 'hot'."

The journey to get off the bed was an ultimate struggle, with Roy refusing to move his lazy ass, and me having to crawl over his body, which ended in me accidentally falling on top of him before falling on the cold hard floor. I let out a groan before sitting up and grabbing some clothes.

"Wait where are you going?" A voice questioned behind me.

"To meet a friend."

Slipping on some skinny jeans and a pair of black converse, I opened our front door and stepped out onto the porch

"Don't do anything stupid Harper."


Not a second later the door was slammed in my face and I began walking towards the park at the northern end of the glades.

➴➶➴ ➶➴ ➶

As I turned the corner of the alleyway I spotted something shining in the brick wall.

"Sam?" I called out, grinning as I pulled his signature gold bullet out of the hole in the wall.

A curly haired dirty blonde immediately emerged from the alley with a smug grin on his face.

"It's been a while blondie." He called back whilst my converse clad feet smacked against the pavement, sprinting into his arms.

He squeezed me tight rocking me back and forth on my tip toes.

"So were you actually good enough that they let you out early or did you have to seduce someone to be here?" I laughed pulling away from his muscular arms.

"Let's just say, a little bit of both." He answered with a wink.

Sam has been in jail for about four months now but I promise he's not a bad guy. He was just trying to protect me, granted I didn't need protection, but never the less he knocked out a cop so I could deal with... business.

He was supposed to serve six months but I guess his natural charm and flirtatious smirk got him cut some slack.

"So, I've been gone for four months... Anything happen with you and-"

As soon as I realized what he was getting at I immediately cut him off. "No. I told you Sammy nothing is gonna happen between me and Roy. Ever. My feelings haven't changed." I placed my hands softly on the side of his face and stared into his big brown eyes "I love you."

A smile crept onto his face as he placed his hands on my warm cheeks and my arms instinctively wrapped around his neck.

Leaning in to him felt amazing. It was almost surreal having his familiar touch and scent back after so long.

Everything was seemingly perfect... for about a second.

Just as our lips touched I heard the familiar sound of police sirens erupt into the air and I let out a groan. Just another day of life in the glades.

Intertwining the tall boy's hand in mine we quickly walked over to see what fucker interrupted our intimate moment.

That's when I saw the familiar red hoodie bolt past a fence on the other side of me and I began to run.

I could tell Sam was right behind me but of course I was in the lead cause I mean, come on. Love this boy but he can't even beat me in a game of Mario Kart let alone a race.

I watched as Roy jumped the fence and the people chasing him came to a halt. So, taking the backway round I made it just in time to trip the idiot and watch him face plant to the pavement.

Watching him struggle to get up I gave him a small lift. "I thought I told you not to do anything stupid dumbass."

He brushed off his shirt and pants but his eyes did not land on me.

"Sam." He growled squinting his eyes and scowling at the kid beside me.

"Roy." Sam growled back.

I let out a sigh, "Bridget! I'm glad we know each others names. Now if you wouldn't mind telling me what illegal act you were doing this time?"

Sam grinned as his focus directed to a black bag in Roy's hand. "Cute Michael Kors purse. It really brings out your eyes Harper."

Not before delivering my curly haired counterpart a menacing death glare Roy grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side

"Can we talk in private?"

"Doesn't look like you're gonna give me a choice." I sassed as he pulled me behind a wall "So-"

"What is he doing here?" He cut me off, rather rudely... just saying.

I sent him a glare "He got out early for good behavior, something you obviously don't have."

"Bridget I'm older than you, so I really don't need you telling me what to do."

"Ya well I don't need you to get arrested! I will be fucking screwed if you get locked up. You don't see me stealing a $400 purse Mr. 'I don't need you telling me what to do'" I snapped grabbing the leather bag from his hand "Even though it is really cute... But still! Think about the consequences every once in a while before you decide to go full on felon dumbass."

He looked shocked. I didn't blame him though I was a little surprised myself. Last year this conversation would've been completely switched. I was always the one that would be out late, and come home with various cuts and bruises, and never have anything to say about it. Granted I wasn't stealing cute designer handbags, but it still worried Roy.

I haven't done much since in that area of expertise. After Sam got arrested I kind of went on a 'hiatus' and the crime seemed to as well. Either way it was getting more and more dangerous as well. What started with simple cuts transformed into deep knife wounds and gaping bullet holes. And Roy was starting to lose sleep attempting to stay up and watch me to make sure I didn't leave.

There's only so many times you can knock out a person before they get extremely pissed at you and it damages their head.

The people of Starling are important to me, but Roy's health is more important. So, I stopped.

For now at least.

➴➶➴ ➶➴ ➶

Well. That was a really weird ending spot but I tried to keep going and it just sounded weirder.

ANYWAYS. thank you to those who actually read this! I didn't think anyone would. And thanks for voting and commenting please keep it going ;)

Oh and Sam is played by Evan Peters cause... Babe.

Xoxo Cara oxoX

Masquerade ➳ Roy HarperWhere stories live. Discover now