So i played smash ultimate and...

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It's great

Well a few days ago my brother finally got the switch he ordered and he bought the game on Friday after we got home from school and I watched him play world of light. I actually didn't get to play until yesterday when I lost a lot. Also, the single joycon is hard to hold with both hands, even with my tiny hands. And the default controls are so dumb- it took me 3 matches to find where the shield button was, and the x and y buttons are for jumping (because using the joystick isn't enough). But anyway I played 3 matches with him (mainly using the newcomers) before letting my sisters try it and then I went back on. The previous rounds I used Incineroar, Isabelle, and Pokémon trainer, but there was one more person I had to play as, one person I was destined to use...

My boi I K E
so yeah his colors/ skins or whatever they're actually called are kinda weird but it's fine. I picked golden boi and my brother was Simon I think. So we're playing, I got a kill off of eruption (neutral b) those are great. But yeah my fourth time playing the game I beat my brother who's been grinding ever since he got the game (but he said he wasn't very good with Simon anyway) and also I unlocked Corrin (corn)

But now there is another character I want to main and for good reason...

This thicc lad right here may be the new king of disrespect

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