The First Catch

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The stream was calm. The sun glistened off the water. Steady creaks came off the boat as it floated across the river. The scruffy looking man was by himself casting a line into the water. Birds sang at the edge of the stream. There was a sort of peacfulness to this place until it was disturbed. A loud phone rang from the riverman's pocket. He heard several birds fly away. It was too quiet. He sighed and took his phone from his pocket. He pressed a button and held it to his ear.

"McCree here."

"Jesse McCree? My name is Jacob Smith. I want to offer you a job."

"What kinda job?"

McCree's voice was deep and uninterested, but he listened.

"I have a few fishing boats out on the coast. If you fish for me 5 times a week I'd be willing to pay you and you can have one of these boats to yourself."

McCree was speachless.

"You, you're jokin'."

"No sir. I need a crew Mr. McCree. I've heard you got some fishing experience."

"I know a thing or two."

"Great. Shall I see you at the coast early tomorrow morning?"

"Sure thing Jacob. I'll see ya soon."

McCree hung up and pulled his line in. He started the engine on his boat and turned it towards home. He got to his small cabin that sat on the edge of the lake and pulled into the doc. He held his hat as he hopped out of the boat and tied it to the doc. His boots clicked against the floor of the doc as he walked. Inside his cabin was a small kitchen, couch, tv set, bathroom, and bedroom. It was half a mile from the beach front. McCree could look outside and see the shallow waves crash against the sand. The docs were not far from, but McCree liked the calm water of the river. The birds sang to him evryday and the fish were his to catch, but now he was expected to catch fish, 5 days a week. He woke up to a warm morning and put on a brown flannel and his hat before walking down to the docs. Jacob was inside the doc house waiting for him. He had a warm smile and dark black hair. He was a short chubby man with a mexican beard. His hand stuck out to shake Jesse's.

"Hey there. You must be McCree. I'm Jacob."

"Hey Jacob. When do I start?"

"Today. I'll pay ya 20 an hour."

"Sounds good."

"Let me show you to your boat."

They walked down the doc together passing many different kinds of boats. They reached docking station 375 where a small white fishing boat floated. It had a net lift attached to it. Jacob pointed to it.

"This is her. Cascade is my smallest boat. She is brand new so try to take care of her like any other girl, alright?"

McCree nodded hopping into the boat. He felt the waves under him rock the boat. On the iside of the gunwale was gold lettering that read 'Cascade' in cursive. McCree smiled admiring the boat. He tipped his hat to Jacob.

"Much obliged."

"No problem man. Let me help ya get out and you'll be all set to start your shift. Feel free to come in at lunch for a break."

They untied Cascade from the doc and Jacob helped push the boat out. McCree started it up and took off crashing into waves as they came. The smell of seawater filled Jesse's nose and small sprays of the mist hit his face. He went far out into the water and pushed a button on the net lift lowering it into the water. He sat back and let the sun shine on his face. Hours passed and McCree noticed that he'd fallen asleep. He shook himself awake and looked down at his watch. It was nearly lunch. He sat up and began raising the lift. When it rose out of the water there was anout half a net full of fish flopping around. He stared in excitement and smiled. The net came down into the boat and relased the fish all over the deck. McCree laughed and started the boat to head back to the doc. Jacob was there with two other men waiting for him. McCree pulled into the doc and Jacob stared at his boat in shock.

"Good work greenie!" Jacob exclaimed. "Not bad for your first day."

"Thankyou kindly sir. I think I'll go get some lunch now."

"Go ahead. We'll unload the boat."

McCree nodded and walked inside the doc house. There was a small group of men at a table drinking and telling stories to one another. The bartender was cleaning glasses. McCree walked up setting money on the counter.

"Best whiskey you got."

The bartender nodded. McCree went to a table in the corner of the room where a small candle let off a dim light. He overheard the men's conversation.

"I'm tellin ya! I saw one!"

"Probably just a shark or dolphin, man. Those things are tricksters, ain't they?"

"I know what I saw! It was a damn mermaid!"

McCree looked across the room curiously.

"What'd you see?" McCree asked.

The men turned to face him. He looked around the room a bit and cupped his hands towards McCree.

"Mermaids, man. They're real!"

McCree listened closely.

"And just what did this...mermaid...look like?"

"Big! It had the longest black hair I'd ever seen! It was dark, but I could tell ya the tail was blue!"


One of his friends chuckled.

"You're buyin this shit?"

"I'm tellin' ya'll the truth here! I ain't crazy!" The man exclaimed.

McCree stood up laughing a bit. The men watched him walk to the bar and guzzle his whiskey. He sighed wiping his face.

"Stay hydrated fellas."

Jesse walked back outside and got a snack from the stand and headed back to his boat. Jacob and his men had finished unloading it. McCree took the boat back out into the open water which was now swarming with other boats. The fish would be long gone. He looked all around him a saw the silouet of an island in the distance. He smiled and turned his boat.


He went full speed towards the island. He began to see trees and grass growing on it. On the other side was a sandy beach with a few palm trees standing curved-like. He stopped his boat close to the island and casted his net. Once again he closed his eyes and fell asleep. All of a sudden he woke to the shaking of the boat. It thrashed from side to side. McCree quickly got to his feet and looked around. The tension on the net was tight. He looked over the side of the boat into the water. It was too dark to see. McCree, nearly falling over, began to raise the net out of the water. He caught something, big. The net slowly raised out of the water. McCree gasped at the sight. He fell to his bottom at what stared back at him.

The Fish and the Riverman (Mchanzo fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now