Chapter 1 - Severus Snape

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Albus Dumbledore walks into his daughter's room. He approaches her bed and smiles down at the peaceful child. He slowly bends down and shakes her awake. "Wake up darling, today is your third birthday" he says. The little girls eyes flutter open and she peers back at her father with a smile. "Ok daddy" she says stretching. She slowly gets out of bed and her father helps her put on her favorite dress. The emerald dress was simple but pretty and brought out the girls hair. When she was dressed she and her father made their way down to the Great Hall. Phoenix jumped into her chair in between her father and Professor McGonagall. "Hello Aunty McGonagall" the three year old said brightly. "Hello Phoenix" McGonagall responded. "Guess what Aunty" Phoenix said "today I'm turning three". "That's great Phoenix" McGonagall said. Phoenix started to eat the food that had appeared on her plate. "Daddy" she said " when are the students coming". "Soon honey" he said. Just at that moment the doors of the great hall open and in walked Severus Snape. "UNCLE SEV" Phoenix yelled jumping out of her chair. She ran up to him but didn't hug him. "Hi" she exclaimed happily. A rare smile grew on the professor's lips as he saw the child. "Do I not get a hug" he asks. She looks at him like he had just spat fire. She hugged him and whispered "Are you feeling well". The man shook his head and playfully pushed the girl away. " I just thought I would wish my favorite child a happy birthday" he said. The young girl smiled and dragged him to the big table. They took their respective seats and ate their breakfast. When they were done Severus turned to Phoenix. "Well Phoenix I enjoyed your company but I must be getting home now" he said. "Already" Phoenix groaned. " yes already" Snape says " but I look forward to seeing you over the school year". Severus gave the girl one last smile and then he left the great hall headed most likely outside of grounds to go back to his home.

Authors note

This story is going slow at the moment but we are only a chapter in so I hope it will get a little more exciting. I will attempt to make the chapters longer but They will most probably be short for a while. I thank anyone who reads this although I know no one will. Also I edited the prologue so If anybody read it before Dumbledore met Miss Peregrine I ask you to please reread it.🤓

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