Chapter 11 - The Troll

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The next couple of months went by without any interruptions. Fred, George, and I pulled some more pranks. I grew closer to the twins, Hermione, Harry, and Ron. Like I said no interruptions until Halloween night. I was enjoying my time eating pudding when Professor Quirrell, my least favorite teacher, came running into the great hall. "Troll in the dungeon, troll in the dungeon, thought you ought to know" he bellowed right be for he fainted. Instantly all the students panicked yelling, throwing down their sweets, and jumping up. My father yelled "Silence, now prefects will lead the students back to their common rooms." The students were being led out and my father told me to go to my room. I was headed that way when I saw Ron and Harry running off. I intercepted them and asked "where do you think you are going." They took one look at me and Harry said "Hermione is in the restroom she does not know about the troll he said." I instantly ran down the hall until I was out of sight. Then I transformed into my Phoenix form. I flew to the restroom where I saw Ron throw a piece of wood at the troll. I flew and clawed at the trolls eyes when I heard a scream. I turned to see Hermione and flew over to her. I picked her up in my talons and brought her to by the door. Then I turned as I heard a big thump and saw the troll knocked out on the ground. Aunt Minnie picked that moment to come in. I flew over and landed on her shoulder knowing I was in deep trouble. After she sorted out the students and they left she turned to me. "Turn back right now young lady" she said "do you know how concerned your father had been" I looked down ashamed. "I saw the students headed this way" I said " I thought I could help them, and I did." She sent me back to my chambers where I got another lecture from my father. I just hoped Ron, Hermione, and Harry were ok.

Authors note
Sorry it is so short. I told my friend I would post something since she finally posted her story. You should go check it out her username is Pods123  and her story is called The Muggle Born Stark and it is a Harry Potter, Avengers cross over

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