Chapter 5 - The sorting

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*Phoenix's POV*

I flew to my aunts shoulder and she pet me. "Why don't you fly to professor Dumbledore? I trust you will be comfortable on his shoulder during the sorting" my aunt says. I flap my wings in conformation and then fly off to my father. I land on my fathers shoulder and everybody looks at me confused. Everyone was familiar with Faux, my fathers phoenix who treated me as her daughter, but nobody knew me in my phoenix form. I watched as the first years entered the great hall. I realized I had forgotten to bring the sorting hat to the great hall before the students came so I quickly took of. I flew to my fathers office and grabbed the sorting hat. I flew back to the great hall and dropped it on the stool. I then flew back too my father who had an amused look on his face. I watched as my aunt Minnie started calling off names to be sorted. She would call a child's name and then a nervous boy or girl would walk up and sit down on the stool. The sorting hat would be placed on the kids head ( where it would probably fall over their eyes ) and then after a little while it would call either Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Slytherin, or Ravenclaw. I mostly spaced of until I heard "Malfoy, Draco". I watched as the blond boy who I didn't like very much walked up to the stool. The hat was being lowered onto his head when it called "Slytherin". Draco stood up obviously quiet proud of himself and walked over to the table. I spaced out once more until "Granger, Hermione". I watched as a girl with bushy brown hair walk up to the front. She seemed quite nervous as she walked up and as the hat was placed on her head. After quite a long time the hat sorted her into Gryffindor. I found myself hopping to become closer friends with Hermione because she seemed like a kind, and intelligent girl. I once again spaced out although I did pay attention when Ron got sorted into Gryffindor. I waited until I heard "Potter, Harry. I watched as Harry got sorted into Gryffindor and smiled to myself. Then soon after everyone was sorted.

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