Chapter 8 - Breakfast

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*Phoenix POV*

I woke up to my father shaking me gently. I sit up an stretch out. My father tells me to get up and get dressed before he leaves my room. I slowly climb out of my bed and go to my dresser. I quickly put on a pair of jeans, and a red sweatshirt. I also put on some brown boots. Besides that I have a simple bracelet on. I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth then I brush my red hair. Ten minuets later when I am all ready to go I run to the great hall. I sit down at the head table in between My father and Minnie ( my nick name for my aunt ). I greetthem happily and then wave at Severus who was sitting a few chairs down. I pile some food onto my plate and dig in. As I was eating I scanned the great hall for people I recognized. I saw the Weasley twins, Harry, Ron, Hermione, who I recognized from the sorting, Percy, Cedric ( a nice Hufflepuff who I had become friends with ), and Draco. Once I was done eating I went to go greet my friends. I walk to the Gryffindor table first where I wink at the Weasley twins and then continue to Ron, Harry, and Hermione. I walk up to them and introduce myself. "Hello" I greet Hermione first as she was sitting a little a way from the two boys. "Hi" she says " you're Phoenix Dumbledore right?" I confirmed this with a nod. "I have read about you in Hogwarts, A History" she continues. I smile at her and said "your Hermione right? I recognized your from the sorting". We have a short conversation about our favorite books and then I walk over to the two boys. "Hello" Harry greets me. "Hi" I say with I kind smile " I'm Phoenix". "I'm Harry" he says "and that's Ron. "Hi" I greet Ron. We talk for a little bit about various things and I walk over to Cedric. "Hey Ced" I say sliding into the empty seat across from him. "Hey Red- Head" he says using the nickname he gave me. I talk to him and some of his friends for a couple of minutes until. Professor Sprout comes to give them their schedules. After that I skipped over to a Ravenclaws. I sat down next to a second year named Cho. "Hi Cho" I said brightly. "Hello Phoenix" she responded. We had a short conversation and then I skipped up to the head table.

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