Chapter 9 - Classes

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small guide: Minnie --> McGonagall, Flity --> Flitwick, Father --> Dumbledore


After breakfast I looked down at my schedule. I got a schedule for which teacher I will annoy I mean be supervised by. I was following the first year schedule:

Monday: 1 Charms 2 History of Magic 3-4 Transfiguration

Tuesday: 1-2 Herbology 3 Transfiguration, 4 History of Magic, Midnight Astronomy

Wednesday: 1 Flying 2-3 Charms 4 History of Magic

Thursday: 1 Herbology 2-3 Potions 4 Defense Against the Dark Arts

Friday: 1-2 Defense Against the Dark Arts,  3 Charms, 4 free period, Midnight astronomy

I was about to go to Flitwick's office when Hermione walked up to me. "Hello" she says "can you guide me to the charms classroom? I want to impress the teachers and it really would be horrid if I was late on the first day." She explains. I agree since I was already headed that way. As we walked I explained to her that I had the same schedules as the first years so I could guide her around. We eventually reach Flity's classroom so I we split and as she goes to her desk I go to my small desk in the corner. I watch the class with interest longing to do magic. I had already seen this lesson but I loved watching all the students work. I saw that Hermione had accomplished the project along with a few other people. Harry and Ron however were failing miserably. After charms, where I just read the 7th year potions book (I got to read all the course books since they were always around but I could only practice potions), we had history of magic. History of magic was boring but I was able read without much disturbance. After history of magic was lunch time were nothing new happened. After lunch we had transfiguration. The first years had to turn matchsticks into needles. I told Hermione that I had seen others change certain aspects of the matchstick one by. She tried what I said and was the only one who managed to change the matchstick. Transfiguration was the last class of the day so when Minnie was done speaking  all the students rushed out and I went with them. I headed to my favorite place, the library, but on the way I saw two red heads and got an idea.

-authors note-
Hey guys! THANK YOU SO MUCH! 299 of you guys have read this! I freaked out when I saw this. I am super sorry for not having updated in a while but I have school and other stories and tennis and the fact that I like procrastinating so ya. I'm sorry this update is so short but ya know nothing I can do now so ya.🤓

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