Chapter 10 - First Prank

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I drag the twins into the nearest pranksters cave, which is what I call the rooms stocked with pranking supplies. "Ok" I said "we need to pull a prank" "We were think the same" George says with an evil grin. "I have an idea I say" I tell them idea and we collect the supplies. We run down to the entrance of the Slytherin's common room when Sev comes around the corner. The twins immediately make the move to run but I tell them to hide the supplies. They cast a spell making the supplies invisible and I turn back to where Sev is coming from. "Sevvy" I called out " how are you" "what are you up to" Sev response. " why would I be up to anything" Sev gave me a suspicious look but nevertheless walked away. I grinned up at the twins and they looked at me in awe. "Come on" I said " let's get a move on." We set up a bucket that constantly refills itself right above the entrance to the Slytherin common room. Then we filled it with vinegar and set it so that when anyone entered or exited they would get vinegar dumped on them. Once the prank was set we ran to back to the prankster cave. I told the boys to go to dinner since it was time to eat and then headed there myself a couple minutes later making sure we were not together. When I got there I nearly burst out into laughter seeing that nearly all the Slytherin's were doused in vinegar. I went up to take my place at the big table. Sev looked at me accusingly and I gave him my best innocent look. He rolled his eyes and I began eating. When I was done I skipped off to my bed deciding that it had been a great day.
Authors note
Sorry that it was short I just wanted to post something since I have had a few people ask me to update. Also I changed the cover since Phoenix is suppose to be a child.

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