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It's freshman year. I'm dressed in a red flannel, a Nirvana t-shirt and black skinny jeans. To pull it all together some black combat boots and a black beanie. Yeah, I know a lot of black.

My long caramel blonde hair falls over my breasts perfectly. I throw my backpack over my shoulder and head out the door. I'm a little nervous for my first day of high school but I'm glad to have Harry with me.

I've known him since I was six and ever since we crashed trying to ride our bikes we have been buddy buddy. I make my way to the bus stop across the street to see Harry was already waiting for me at the stop sign.

It looked as if he was wearing a new haircut. It looked good from what I could see so far. His bangs were put up in a quiff. I have to say it looked pretty hot. He was leaned up against the stop sign with his hands shoved into his pockets.

"Hey dude where is your backpack?" I chuckled nudging his shoulder. He turned and smiled that perfect smile. He only smiles around me, he hates his family and doesn't have many friends. Which doesn't makes sense because he is probably the coolest guy you'll ever meet.

"I don't need one Jess." He shrugged and scuffed his boot against the concrete.

"Harold. Yo-"

"Jess. My name isn't Harold, it's Harry."

"Ehh I like Harold better." I smirked.

"Anyways before you rudely interrupted. I was saying. It's the first day of your sophomore year. I think you would need a backpack for all the books your teachers are going to be stuffing down your throat." Harry rolled his eyes and pulled himself off of the stop sign taking a step towards me and looking me straight in the eyes.

"Who is the Freshman here?"


"And who has already been through their first year of high school?"


"Exactly. I know what I'm talking about Jess!" He grinned pinching my cheek and leaned against the stop sign again.

"Then what do-"

"Shhhhh Jess! Look the first day all the teachers are going to be doing is talking about their rules of the classroom. Don't worry!"

I didn't like how Harry was treating me like a child. I was only one year younger than him, plus I used to be able to beat him up. He can't act all high and mighty.

The bus pulled up and the bus doors opened. The driver was a big woman with the mole the size of a silver dollar.

"Get on fish!" She screeched. When her mouth opened you could see what was left of her black teeth. I slowly stepped onto the bus. She examined me closely, her eyes followed me all the way to the back of the bus where an empty seat was.

"Egla!! It's been too long!" He smiled doing some complicated handshake with the bus driver. Then making his way towards me. He sat down and nudged me in the arm.

"Hey, you ok?" I shrugged and scooted closer to the window. I can already tell this year is going to be a bad one.

When we pulled up to the high school loads of people were pouring out of the buses. People pushing people, some were climbing a statue of our mascot the Mr.Muskrat.

Over by the grassy area the goths laid there and smoked under a tree. The entryway stairs was where the jocks and cheerleaders just about had sex with each other right there on the stairs. The skater kids hung out on the sidewalk meet the road. The geeks sat at the picnic tables. The druggies laid in a open grassy area. And my people, the misfits hung out in a group out to the side of everyone else.

Harry didn't seem to walk to a group. He just made his way up the stairs and into the school. I followed behind him not knowing what to do.

"Harry! Please wait!" I begged. He grabbed my hand and walked me up the stairs and into the main entrance. The jocks didn't seem to need with him like they did with the other kids. It seemed like they were actually trying to avoid him.

Harry pulled me into a janitors closet and suddenly became very serious. But then pulled a banana out of his coat pocket. Typical. He began to un peel it then pointed it in my face.

"Now listen here Jessica. This advice I'm about to tell you will shape your whole year. Stay away from the jocks. Ok? Trust me I've made that mistake before." He resumed to putting all his attention to his banana and took a bite out of it.

"Why did they look so afraid of you?"

"That doesn't matter. I got to go, bye Jess ill see you at lunch." He made his way back down the hallway leaving me in the janitors closet confused when I left the janitors closet people began to give me dirty looks as if I did something wrong.

I pulled my information out of the side pocket of my back pack. My locker number was 127. When I found my locker I began setting it up. A tall boy with caramel curls rested in a tuffle on top of his head opened the locker next to me 128.

He didn't pay any attention to me, so I just finished setting up my locker and headed to my first period.


The fanfiction is dedicated to my best online friend Jessica for her birthday. I love you and I hope you will enjoy this fanfiction.

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