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"Look I know you barley know me, but Ashton really liked you."

I pushed him away and crossed my arms over my chest. "I know...."

"I was at his house this weekend and all he could talk about was you. I don't know your reasons for going to Harry but I can promise Ashton cares about you a lot."

"I like him a lot too... I know Ashton is better but I've know Harry for a long time and ugh.... Its just complicated."

"I understand.. I'm not judging you. I'm not trying to force you to date him but I promise he will work out better in the long run than Harry."

I nodded and looked up at him with my phone still shined in his face. "Ok... But what if he does take me back?"

"Oh he will.. It will just take a little bit of time. I'm sorry it took me so long to talk to you about this but I've been kind of busy trying to comfort him"

I nodded once again then locked my phone screen. "Thanks."

We both left the dark closet in silence then walked in opposite directions. I made my way towards the bathroom and he made his way towards the cafeteria.

I locked myself in the last stall at the edge of the bathroom. Where most of the provocative writing comes from and vandalism. This is the stall I chilled in until lunch was over, I spent my time studying or just staring at the stall door covered in sharpie marker trying to keep myself sane.

Today my main topic was obviously how am I going to get Ashton back. How was it going to take time when he won't even make an attempt to talk to me. He wouldn't even acknowledge my existence until today.

In a different stall I heard someone sniffling. It sounded like they were trying to quiet their allergies.

I'm still not sure how to react to Calum talking to me. He is really popular and he seems to genuinely care about me and Ashton's happiness. Lunch finally ended. I walked out of the last stall and ran into Sophia.

"Ouch! Im so sorry.." She said rubbing her head. Was she in here the whole time?

"Oh no... I'm sorry." I too a long pause and we both stood there I awkward silence before either of us said anything.

"W-were you in here the whole time?" I said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear feeling kind of embarrassed.


"We're you crying?" I replied noticing her eyes were red.

"Ummm just a little.." She let out a soft chuckle.

"Are you ok?" Her eyes got big and glossy. She wrapped her arms around my neck and began to sob into my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry but I needed a hug..." She whispered pulling away.

"It's ok.. I understand... So is it ok if I as what happened?" she nodded.

"Well.. This weekend I saw Liam... a-all over some girl... Kissing her... So I messaged him and we got into a fight obviously. And this morning he was hanging out with her as if we were never a thing!"

Her sobs got louder as she tucked her head into my shoulder. I'm not as popular as Sophia and I'm surprised she even talking to me, let alone open up to me about her love life.

"I'm so sorry Sophia... Hey... Look your a gorgeous girl. Do some squats and make Liam cry wishing he still had that ass." I joked trying to cheer her up.

She chuckled and nudged me in the shoulder. "Your pretty cool J-Jess right?" I nodded and gave her one last before I headed off to class.

I was almost to my class when I saw Kara and Liam in the hallway laughing together.


Is it Kara!? Earlier today she did say she was having troubles with Michael... I can't BELIVE she would do that to him. He liked her a lot.

I couldn't help but be a little mad at her. I hated what she was doing. Everything in my life seemed to be so screwd up.

I sighed and turned to corner bumping into someone's chest. Why am I so damn clumsy today!?

The person I had just ran into grabbed me by the shoulders keeping me from falling over. I looked up to see it was Harry.

"Watch where your going next time." He growled and shoved me to the side as if he didn't even know me.

My heart felt like someone had stabbed it a couple hundred times. I stopped and leaned against the lockers and held my chest. I don't know why but this small reaction seemed to upset me a lot. It wasn't even that big of a deal and I'm over here trying to keep my heart from bursting.

Out of the corner I saw Ashton. I looked in his direction to see him shake his head in disgust, and slam his locker.

Once again Ashton was there to see me and Harry at the wrong time making it seem worse than it was. Ya I did have sex with him but Ashton always seemed to catch me with Harry at the wrong times! I don't even think he knows that me and Harry are done talking completely.

I knew this year was going to be a bad one.


You guys don't even know. Right now I'm sitting on the toilet and my cat Bocci keeps biting my heels asking me to let her. Let me pee!!

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