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Me and Ashton has started sitting together at lunch and Harry has moved to a different table. I don't want to loose Harrys friendship over such a stupid little thing but I'm not going to be the first one to apologize. Plus lately he hasn't been all that great to be around.

"Where did ya get that necklace?" Ashton asked picking up the key and examining it.

"Oh... A friend gave it to me for my birthday...." I sighed tucking it into my shirt.

"When was your birthday?"

"A week ago.." I shrugged taking a bite out of my salad and pushing all the tomatoes to the side.

"Oh Jess! I'm so sorry I didn't know...." He began to dig through his pockets and pulled out two twenty dollar bills.

"Woahhh there Ashton.. It's ok really you don't have to." I said pushing away the money.

"No seriously! Take it, one for your birthday and the other for missing it." He shrugged pushing it back in my direction.

"Ashton, seriously it's ok." He picked up the money and stuffed it into the pockets of my jeans.

"God ash.... I'm gonna buy you some new clothes, I mean look at you. You look homeless." I chuckled.

"Ill have you know that I like my clothes to have holes in them."

I just rolled my eyes and took another bite out of my salad.

"Hey Jess."

"Mmm yeah?"

"You wanna go with me to this amusement park right outside of town? Ill drive."

"You mean... Like a date?"

"Uhhh haha umm I don't know is it?"

"I don't know your the one that asked me."

"Well I guess not..."

"Ill still go."



I didn't know what to wear. Was I supposed to dress up? What if he showed up all dressy and I showed up looking casual. But what if I look dressy and he doesn't. Ill feel like and idiot.

So I just pulled on some black tights and a big black sweater. Obviously my favorite black beanie, and my black vans. I nearly looked gothic, but I looked good.

'Incoming call from Ashton'


"I'm outside your house... Not to sound creepy." he chuckled.

"Haha ill be out in a minute." I blushed and hung up.

I stuffed the forty dollars in my pocket that Ashton have me for my birthday and put on the necklace Harry gave me for my birthday.

Suddenly I felt guilty. Harry has been depressed lately and I haven't even been here for him. Ya he has been kind of a jerk but he just gets that way when he is sad.

I shook off the feelings off trying to go back to excited for Ashton. I ran out the door avoiding Nicole and my Dad.

In the driveway of my house was a black jeep. Ashton's head poked out and waved.

"Hey Jess! you look... Really nice." He mumbled with his mouth wide open.

"Haha thanks.." I tucked the hair behind my ear and looked down at my lap.

Once we got to the carnival he opened the door and payed payed for me. I didn't want hi to pay for me because he already gave me forty dollars for my birthday. I didn't want him paying for everything.

Maybe this was a date.

"You want to ride the Ferris wheel?" he took my hand and walked me to it. Maybe this is a date and he was afraid to say it was.

I like Ashton but I can't do that to Harry. Thank goodness the line wasn't very long, so it didn't take long to get in one of the carts.

"Wait. You aren't afraid of heights.. Right?"

"Haha no.."

He nodded and looked forward. The ride was kind of quiet, but there was nothing much to talk about. But the view was really nice.

The night sky... And... wait. I just realized. Everyone that has walked past us are couples, not one person I have seen have Ben without a date.

Then I remember the sign when we first entered. It was in pink and purple letters. "A date to remember" this was a carnival for couples. Why didn't I realize this till now!?!?

"You look beautiful Jess." I he smiled and once again locked fingers with mine.

"Thanks." I mumbled. This was definitely a date.

I was so happy but at the same time so unsure. I didn't want to get tied down in a relationship the first month if my freshman year. I really do like Ashton but at the same time I liked Harry.

Even though Harry has been a little jerk recently... I still liked him.

I tried not to make eye contact the whole ride so he wouldn't get the chance to kiss me. I really wanted to but I needed a chance to sort things out before I get into a relationship.

"I had a lot of fun." Ashton smirked leaning in what looked like a kiss but I avoided it and went in for a hug.

"Me too." I mumbled into his shoulder.

I went inside, i saw my Dad and Nicole sitting on the couch upset about something.

"Where have you been?" My dad shouted throwing down his phone.

"Umm out, with friends..?"

"We will decide your punishment later."


"I said go!"

I stomped into my room to see Honeybooboo laying on my bed messing up my sheets singing to Ariana Grande.

I was already not to the mood then I come to my room to this shit?!?

"Get off!" I yelled shoving her off the bed. She ran to her bed and began to pout but I just ignored her and got on my phone.

A text from Harry popped up.

'You think you could sneer out tonight?'


I hope things get better for you Jessica and I hope your birthday party goes well. I love you!!

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