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My parents didn't question me when I got home late from the hospital last night. They just ignored me as if I wasn't even there.

Nicole was asleep and Honeybooboo was asleep with her earphones still plugged in blaring Ariana Grande.

Sometimes I he the feeling that my parents have given up on me, like there was no point in trying to do anything about it anymore. I needed to visit my real mom and have a one on one girl conversation with her just to catch up with each other. Right now my mom is the only grown up I respect.

'Hey sweetie.' Ashton messaged me. I love getting these messages from him because he always knows how to make me smile.

'Hey, how are you recovering?'

'Well I'm just a little sour, I miss you.' A photo loaded of him and his big smile laying in his bed.

'Your cute.'

'Can I call you?'


*incoming call from Ashton.....*


"Jess, I have to tell you something about Luke."

"Ok go on?"

"I don't want you two hanging out."

"Umm Ashton I wasn't planning on it but I don't want you telling me who, and who not to hang out with."

"I understand honey but things have happened and I don't want you hanging out with him."

"And what are those reasons?"

"An incident happened last year with Harry, Luke, and a few other jocks.. You wouldn't understand..."

"Ok ok, now you have to tell me because the jocks are obviously afraid of Harry and I really need to know why."

"Jess... Please...."

"No Ash. Please tell me..."

"It's complicated.."

"Everything is with you!"

"Please don't do this..."

"I won if you tell me."

"Ok... well last year all the jocks used to be friends with all of us until one night they were all hanging out. Luke came in with a drunk girl he from a club. He brings her upstairs and tries raping her but Harry walked in, and begins to beat the hell out of Luke. But you know how rape is right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well usually the rapist kills the girl."

"He didn't....."

"Just wait, so Harry leaves Luke on the ground knocked out and all the other jocks come upstairs to see Harry holding a lifeless girl in his arms. The jocks threatened to call 911 but Harry said he would killed them too if they did. So the jocks though Harry wasn't the one that killed her it was Luke."

"So I was in the car alone with a rapist!?" My heart drops to my stomach and my eye began twitching.


"How does the whole school not know about this yet?"

"Cause they are afraid that he is going to kill them."

"What did he do with the body?"

"Umm... I think he buried it in some grave yard..."

"I've got to go Ashton..."

"Wait!! Promise you won't tell him I told you?"

"Yeah.. but I've got to go..."

I hung up and made my way to me and Harrys special spot looking around checking if anyone was watching.

I see a dark figure already at one of the swings. I get a sick feeling in my stomach thinking that it might be Harry, but why would he be there? Why now?

I get closer and closer, it was him. His hair was messy and tied back with a bandana and he was listening to music with his headphones.


He didn't hear me, I don't even think he knew I had sat down in the swing right beside him.

I softly tap his shoulder.

"Shit! Jess what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"You need to go."

"No. We need to have a serious conversation."

"I'm not in the mood." He group led and stood up from the swing yanking his headphones out of his ears.

"Woah Harry... Chill out what happened?"

He breaks down and begins to cry, he gets on his knees and cups his hands in his face. "I did a horrible thing Jess..."

"I know..."

He looks up and gives me a puzzled look. Shimmering tears are still streaming down his face. I get down in my knees so that I was eye level with him and grab his wrists so that he couldn't cover his face again.

"H-how did you know?" He whispers.

"Harry... Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I've tried to cope with the pain Jess... I was too late... I didn't save her... A year today, was when I buried her.

"Where is she... Where did you put her?"

"Under your swing."


Creepy Harry... Why under her swing? Well.... It's actually really sweet the reason why he placed her there.

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