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"Get out of my car." He growled under his breath as his fingers turned white from gripping the steering wheel so hard.

"Ashton... Please don't do this...." I reached out to touch his shoulder but he flinched a moved away.

"Jess I'm serious get out of my car!"

"Bye Ashton.." I mumbled getting out o the car. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see him ripping the elephant sticker off the window and throwing into the floorboard.

Does this mean he is done with me? I couldn't go on keeping that from him and allowing him to buy me all these things and treating me so well when I've been going around behind his back with Harry.

I heard him swerve out of the parking lot behind me. My heart began to hurt, not like it's ever felt before. It felt like someone tied on end of a string to Ashtons heart and the other end to mine, and Ashton drove off ripping it out of me and dragging it across the gravel tearing it to shreds as if his could take a little but more pulling than mine.

I felt so hurt and depressed I couldn't cry. Im probably the only person that has that problem. I want to cry but I can't. I couldn't let everything out but I needed to, to feel a little bit better about everything. But it was just not going to happen.

"Jessica!! Look! Ariana might have a new album out!!" Cali yelled ecstatically showing me and album cover with her teen idol dressed in a slutty black leather skintight outfit.

"Good job?" I replied sarcastically holding up two thumbs and raising my eyebrows trying not to look upset, just the normal bitchy step sister she has known.

My pocket began to buzz.


"Hey it's Michael."

"I don't know what kind of advice you want so you can make a move on Kara... But I'm not in the mood right now."

"Dammit Jessica what the hell is your issue today?"

"Sorryyyy? I've had a rough morning. I don't know if you've even cared to notice, or your too busy sucking up to Kara. But I am not at school today. My step mother Nicole will be delivering a baby,"

"Damn... I'm sorry."

"Anyways.. Why did you call me."

"Umm... I want to ask out Kara... But I don't know how to."

"She likes cats, and she likes the color peach. Figure something out." I hung up before Michael could stop me. I wasn't in the mood.

I mean Im happy for Kara but seriously I have my own problems to deal with as it is and I don't need Michael calling me for dating advice when I obviously need some myself.

Suddenly a nurse came in and pulled out her clip board. "The Warren family?" She lifted her head up from her clip board looking around for someone to respond.


She nods and makes her way towards me. "She is now in labor, and your father said that you may go home."

How am I going to get home? Does he expect me to just call up my boyfriend (possibly ex) to just drop everything and come get me?

I nod and resume back to listening to Nirvana. Should I text Harry? Or would that make things worse? What if Ashton isn't going to break up with me and just talk it through with me. What if that was his way of breaking up with me.

I called him a few times and of course he was declining my calls.

I decided it was time to stop questioning myself and just call Harry. Of course he would pick up in the first call.


"Is school over?"

"Yeah it has been for about ten minutes... So what's up?"

"Can you come pick up Justin, Cali, and me? We are at the hospital and has been since two last night. Nicole's water broke."

"Umm ya. Ill be there soon."

Wait... Was Harrys mustang big enough to hold four people? I didn't care to notice last time if he had a back seat.

"Hey guys get up. Harry will be here any minute to pick us up."

Cali and Justin slowly stood up and we began to make our way down the hallway. It took Harry a little longer than I thought he would.

He pulled up in his black mustang and peered out the window. Then got out and pulled his seat forward revealing a little area with two seats.

"Are you sure they can fit?"

"No but we can try."

Justin slid right in but Cali had some trouble. Eventually she shoved herself through and I got in too.

The ride was awkward. I didn't know what to say, and what I wanted to say I couldn't allow Cali and Justin to hear.

They finally got out and I just stayed in.

"Umm Jess? You gonna go watch the little hellions?"

"Look.... Last night I-"

"You don't have to say anything.. I know.. You love Ashton."

"No Harry! I love you! I hate that it's taken me so long to tell you this but I love you!"

"I can't do this... Please I just need to think"

"What do you mean you can't do this?"

"You! Jumping back and forth between me and Ashton! Its getting old!!"

He slammed his fists on the cup holder and broke a coffee cup. His hand began to bleed but he just ignored it and started the car.

"I'm sorry.... I guess ill leave then..." A tear rolled down my cheek.

It's official.. I've lost everyone.


Don't worry you guys, it will get better. Then worse again. I'm sorry!!! I have the best idea!! you are going to cry. Sorry/not sorry.

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