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Since Harry stormed off this morning I ended up having to walk alone to school. The only sound was the crunch of leaves beneath my feet. I couldn't understand Harry. One minute he is telling me he loves me then the next he is pushing me away. My combat boots hit the sidewalk with a clunk and a crunch of the leves between the rubber and concrete.

A car drove past me, I was too deep in thought to stop and look up to realize that they slowed down and began driving at my pace.

"Hey! Jess do you need a ride?"

I slowly looked up to see Calum peeking his head out of the car window smacking on a piece of gum.

"Your gonna be late for school Hood.." I kept walking hoping that he would drive off.

"Jess! Please I need to talk you.. It's about.." Looked around checking to see if anyone was eves dropping and pulled a hand up to his mouth not exactly lowering the volume like he'd hoped. "Ashton!" He let out a loud whisper and I rolled my eyes.

"Calum I know who you what to talk to me about and I'm not all that worried about it right now." I crossed me arms over my chest and began walking faster showing him that I was done with our little chat.

"Get your ass in this car right now! It's not what you think!!"

"Calum your already late for first period! Why do you care soooo much about me and Ashton's relationship!? Don't you have something more important to worry about like... I don't know... YOURSELF!?!?"

Calum stopped the car and I just kept walking. Suddenly he laid on his horn. It was so loud it was defining. I covered my ears and began walking faster. He pulled up next to me with his hand still on the horn just starring at me. A stupid smirk came across his stupid face.

"Get in the car and ill stop!!!" He yelled over his obnoxious sirens.

I ran around and hopped into the car. He pulled his hand off his horn and just smiled at me. I was tempted to backhand the shit out of him.

"I knew you would make the right decision." He chuckled.

"Yeah. Like I had no choice other than becoming def." I snarled. I really hope that Calum wouldn't do this until me and Ashton got back together. Truthfully, I still liked Ashton but Harry gives me this feeling that Ashton never gave me.

"Ok so I was hanging out with Ashton this weekend aaannndddd...." He looked over at me. His smile was so adorable.

"He is still in love with you."

"Then why is he avoiding me?"

"He is afraid you'll go cheet on him again."

I huffed and leaned my head against the window and sighed. I've made a mess of everything.

"Oh! And Jess!! Guess what!!"

"What." I groaned.

"I know why Harry sold his car."

"Because he had better ways to use his money?"

"It was for you."

We drove into the parking lot of the school and he parked the car with his little grin looking insanely Asian. I knew he wasn't but.. It's just the truth... He looks Asian.

"W-what? What do you mean it was for me? And how do you know!?" I eagerly lean over and garb his arm and shook it as if it would get him to answer faster.

Calum stopped his eyes got wide and his gaze shifted to something behind me. The condescending feeling gave me shivers. I whipped around to see the school officer peering through our window.

"Get out of the vehicle." She yelled through the glass and tapped on the window with her flashlight. There was no reason to have her flashlight out in the middle of the day, it was pointless but whatever.. I stepped out of the car and so did Calum.

"You two love birds come with me to the office." The manly woman grunted turning around and shoving her flashlight back into her pocket.

"B-but we weren't doing anything!" Calum pleaded. The officer whipped around looking very frustrated.

"I saw this young lady feeling on you with her hands in your drawers son now don't go fibbing." She took me by the arm and Calum by the collar of his shirt and dragged us up the front entrance and through the crowded hallway. People stared at us and gave us looks of disapproval and disgust. I could feel my cheeks grow red.

She dragged us into the front office and into our Principal Mr. Wilson's office and shoved us both into the leather chairs in front of his desk.

"These two were showing a higher level of P.D.A out in the parking lot in a car." Mr. Wilson nodded letting the officer know he had it from there.

"Mr. Wilson it's not what it looks like sir. Really I promise we weren't doing anything. Please just let me go to class.." I begged.

He was writing something down on a pink slip then moved to the second one. I was hoping it was a tardy slip and he would send us back to class. I knew that wasn't it but a girl can dream....

"A week of ISS. I hope you learn from your mistakes." He raised his eyebrows and slid the slips across the desk towards us offering for us to take it.

I swiped the pink piece of paper. my mouth dropped so low it made it all the way to hell.


"Leave!" Mr. Wilson pointed to the door and me and Calum both made our way to the ISS room.

Kill me.


I am sitting in my drive way listening to coffee house music because I'm a fucking hipster like that.

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