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"Where the fuck have you been all night and all day yesterday Jessica!?" Nicole yelled hurling a curling iron at me.

I ducked and it missed my head by a few inches.

"Woahh! I'm sorry!! I stayed for tutorials yesterday then went to Kara's house and cried for a few hours, but then I fell asleep!"

"Kara came looking for you yesterday." Shit. I totally forgot that she was going to come to my house after school because she needed to tell me something.

"Well that's before she knew I was at tutorials! you need to chill out geez."

"Don't you dare tell me to chill! Listen here missy, your dad was worried sick about you last night. You could have at least given is a call!"

"So your saying you weren't worried about me? Did you even care?" Nicole stood in silence for a few seconds and just stared at me.

"I didn't think so." I snarled stomping off into my room and grabbing my backpack. I already missed the bus and I want going to sit in the car with Nicole.

I could hardly stand her presence at all, never mind a ten minute car ride. Her accent would suffocate me.

I walked outside to see Harry at the bus stop. Didn't the bus already leave? Why was Harry still out there? I walked up to him and gave a small smile to him feeling guilty about yesterday. It was bad enough I cheated on Ashton and allowed him to come on to me. But blaming the whole thing on his as if it was his fault? I admit that's really fucked up.


"Hi." He nodded and shoved his hands into his coat pockets then kicked up some of the dust off the ground with his boots.

"What are you still doing out here? Didn't the busses already leave?"

"Well I saw Ashton drop you off, and I knew he wasn't going to wait for you to finish fighting with Nicole, so I thought you might need a ride." He shrugged and scratched his head.

It was really nice for Harry to think of me like that. He is such a good friend but he can be so frustrating sometimes you know? One day he will be a serious bitch then the next he can be so kind and caring.

"Thanks Harry.... Im sorry about yesterday..." He shook his head not accepting my apology.

"No Jess.... Im sorry I got us into this. I was the one that brought you there, and I was the one that has been a jerk lately."

"It's ok Harry... I know you have been having a hard time lately and I haven't been very understanding."

He nodded and pushed himself off of the stop sign. "You ready to go?"


We walked to his house and got in his new car. It was really nice. I plugged in my music to the sound system and played The Arctic Monkeys.

"You've got some good taste in music kid." He smirked turning it up louder.

The rest of the ride we just enjoyed ourselves listening to Snap Out of it. Harry seemed to be enjoying himself, and so was I.

An ambulance drove by we could barley hear it over the music but the lights. We just shook it off and continued to enjoy the music.

I'm glad me and Harry can always be friend no matter what happens. He was one of the closest people in my life and I couldn't risk losing him. I mean how could we not get over every fight we get into? Our friendship started out with a fight and two messed up bicycles.



"I love you."

He didn't say anything, I kind of felt stupid.

"Like a brother... You know? I love you like a brother."

"I love you too Jess, just not in the way you love me."

I didn't know what to say, I felt bad because I did love him in the way he loved me. But I couldn't say it because it would make our situation even worse, and our relationship harder.

The whole day was a drag until lunch. It seemed as if Ashton wasn't here today, he was perfectly fine this morning. An incoming call from Ashton buzzed in my pocket.

"Hey Jess...? Im in the hospital, I was in a car crash this morning."



That's all I have to say.

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