Kaylee (Chapter 1)

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~Kaylee's POV~

As a 16 year old, you've would've thought that I hate school. Well, you guessed wrong! I absolutely love school! People call me "one of the populars" but I don't think am. I get straight As and if I get a B, my parents throw a hissy fit and ground me. It's just one B but they want me to get into Yale and all that stuff.

Currently I'm in math class and this boy name Patrick. I hope that's his name. Keeps staring at me and when I turn to look at him, he blushes and turns away. Pretty cute.

"Kaylee!" My best friend Faith yells.


"Someone wants to talk to you!" She says when she gets all happy.


"Zach! You know the most popular and hottest boy in school!"

"Oh. Why?"

"You shouldn't be asking why! Hello! He is the hottest boy at this school. Probably in this whole town!"

"Well, where does he want to talk to me?"

"Since this is our last period, he said Starbucks"


I'm on my way to Starbucks and past Patrick on my way there. He smells like the ocean breeze. He's actually kind of cute. I smile and wave a hello and he just smiles.

I walk into Starbucks and see Zach sitting in a chair. I hope this goes well.

(A/N: This is the first chapter for Sophomore Slump. This is my first story so I'm sorry if this is terrible. Please comment if you like it or not. Don't forget to vote!)

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