Again Seriously?! (Chapter 15)

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(A/N: Okay okay I know it's been a while since I updated! I know I'm sorry! I've been sick for a week and I'm still a little sick. I'm sorry! I hope this makes up for it! <3)

*Middle of the night*

~Patrick's POV~

I woke up to the sound and feeling of my phone vibrating.

"Patrick are you there?" My mom whispered through the phone.

"Yes mom. Is everything okay?"

"Just come home now!"

"Mom what's wrong?!"

"Just come home and call the police!"

"Okay. I love you mom."

"I love you too Patrick sweetie" She said then the phone goes dead.

I get up quickly and wake up Kaylee because she's my ride.

"Kaylee, Kaylee wake up!" I said shaking her frantically.

She sits up quickly.

"Patrick, what's wrong?!"

"Yes I know it's like 3am but can you drive me home?"

"Why? Is everything okay?"

"Not really. My mom just called telling me to come home and to call the police."

"Oh my gosh! Okay!" She said getting up frantically trying not to wake up Faith or her mother.

I get out my phone and call the police.

We get up to the house and see the cops there already. I see my mom and run out of the car to see her.

"Woah woah boy. Slow down. You can't cross the line." The police officer said.

"That's my mother! Let me see her!" I said.

"I'm sorry mister. You can cross."

"Thank you." I said crossing the line, running over to my mom.

"Mom! Mom! Are you okay?!" I said hugging her, falling to the floor.

"Patrick sweetie! I'm okay. I'm okay!" She said hugging me tighter, tears falling out of her eyes.

"What happened?"

"He came back."

"How?!" I said flabbergasted (A/N: 1 point for big word usage!)

"I don't know sweetheart but I can't stay here tonight. We can't stay here ever."

"Patrick?" I heard a voice from behind. I turned around and saw Kaylee there looking stunning.

"Oh Kaylee!" My mom said getting up giving her a hug.

"Hello Patricia" (A/N: is thats Patrick's mom's name? I hope so.)

"Thank you so much for driving Patrick home!"

"It's no big deal! I overheard what you said and you guys are always allowed over. I'll explain everything to my parents."

"Thank you so much sweetie!"

"It's no problem at all."

My mom hugged her tightly.

I walked over to Kaylee and hugged her.

"Thank you Kaylee. Really thank you." I kissed her cheek and saw her blush a little.

"It's my pleasure. Really." She said, kissing my cheek and smiling. I smiled back.

We walked back to my mother talking to the cops.

"Miss. We are keeping him in an a prison across the country. We suggest you move away from here. Do you have a place to stay until you find a place of your own?" The police officer said.

"Yes I do. Actually yes we do." My mom said hugging me and Kaylee.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading and voting and commenting and following! And 300+ reads! Don't forget to vote, comment, and/or follow! <3)

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