Shopping (Chapter 17)

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(A/N: I am so sorry I haven't updated! Between school and sleep I have no time! Please forgive me!)

~Patrick's POV~

I woke up and saw Kaylee sleeping and heard Faith say "pickles oh pickles!" Is that what happens during pregnancy?!

I hear Kaylee moan and saw her eye flitter open. She's so beautiful. She saw me and blushed.

"Good morning!" She said sitting up stretching.

She gets up and runs to the bathroom!

"Kaylee are you okay? You ran into the bathroom?!" I said through the door.

"Yeah. I just really had to pee." She said laughing.

"Oh. Gotcha. Hurry up I need to pee too!" I laughed.

"Shut up! I have a small bladder when I need to pee, I need to pee!"

I just hysterically laughed which woke up Faith. Oopsies!

"Patrick, can you get me pickles pleaseeee?!" Faith begged.

"Sure but in you sleep talk! Were you dreaming about pickles?" I asked.

"Yeah." Faith said embarrassed.

I laughed and ran down the stairs.

"Good morning mom, mrs. McGee, mr. McGee (A/N: I just realized that Kaylee doesn't have a last name sooo)

"Good morning Patrick." They all said.

"Where is Kaylee and Faith?" Mrs. McGee said.

"Kaylee is in the bathroom and Faith is waiting on a pickle." I laughed.

"A pickle?! She doesn't want anything else?" My mom said.

"Just a pickle. Those are her new obsession lately."

I grabbed 5 pickles because why not.

I run upstairs and see Faith's eyes light up!

"5 PICKLES?!?" She exclaimed.

"You're welcome"


Kaylee, my mom, Faith and I are all dressed to go to the store while Mr. McGee and Mrs. McGee went to work. Oh did I mention it was the weekend so no school *happy dance*.

"Okay so we need an air mattress-" Kaylee said but shortly was cut off.

"I'm sorry to interrupt dear but, I'm fine sleeping on the couch. Just letting us stay at your home is kind enough."

"Are you sure? Our couch is really hard!" Kaylee said.

"What?! Are you crazy? Hard?! It's the softest!" My mom laughed.

"Whatever you say Mis- Patricia." Kaylee smiled.

"Okay but if you don't mind I would like my own blanket and pillow just so I don't have to keep on using yours." My mom said.

"Sure!" Kaylee said leading the way to blankets and pillows.

We pick out the perfect ones and head out.

"Kaylee we need more pickles!" Faith said.

"Go pick them up!" Kaylee laughed.

"CANDY CANDY CANDY!!!" Kaylee and I said at the same time.

We ran over to the candy and picked out our favorite.

"Hey Kaylee wanna kiss?" I said.

"What?" She turned around blushing.

I put the Hershey kiss in my mouth and went up to her.

Our heads got really close and we were about to. Until we accidentally bumped heads.

Man I'm always ruining the moments!

She took the kiss out of my mouth with her hand and ate it. So rude. I was gonna eat it!

She laughed at my pouty face.

"What's wrong?" She chuckled.

"You ate it! I was gonna eat it."

"Don't be so winy! Here. I got you another one!"

I smiled and ate it proudly!

We checked out and went back to Kaylee's.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Thank you for 400+ reads! Please be active it'll really boost me up to update! Don't forget to vote, comment, and/or follow!)

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