The morning after

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Lucas's POV

Last night was perfect I finally told Maya that I loved her and we had an amazing time dancing with each other. Farkle talked about Tess nonstop for a couple hours last night.

I hadn't been running lately so this morning I got up and went for my run. More people were out on the beach this morning than any other morning. I ran for an hour until I couldn't stand it anymore.

I saw walking up towards the house when I saw Rose running up to me.

"Lucas hey how are you doing?" Rose said all perky.

"Ummm fine," I said rubbing the back of my beck.

"That's good," Rose smiled, "I haven't seen you running lately."

"Yeah I haven't been able to run for a while so I'm trying to get it in right now."

"That's good so are you doing anything later?"

"Oh umm Rose I'm with Maya now."

"No no no I know it's just this guy has been bugging to go out with me and I figured if I went somewhere with you he would leave me alone."

I crap I couldn't say no now, "Ummm where do I have to go?"

"Seven at the movies."

"Okay I'll try to make it."

"Great I'll see you later."

I ran back up to the two and saw Farkle sitting down at the table, "Dude why were you talking to Rose?"

"She came up to me while I was running," I said, "We are going to movies later."

"Why?" Farkle asks

"Some guys bugging her so she asked if I'd scare him off," I said.

"Well I wouldn't want to be a fly on the wall when you tell Maya," Farkle said getting up.

"She will be cool with it," I said getting up.

Maya's POV

"Lucas no you can't go with her," I said getting up.

"Maya it will just be an hour or two," Lucas said.

"Yeah I wouldn't mind that but it's with Rose," I said going over to my window seat.

"Don't you trust me?"

"I trust you but I don't trust Rose."

"Maya you can trust me and that's enough. I have to go but I'll be back in soon," Lucas said getting up kissing my check then walking out the door.

I wanted to follow him and make sure that she didn't try on him but I didn't. I went out to the balcony and sat out there. My dad came up to check on me around 8:30.

"Hey kiddo," my dad said coming over to me.

"Hey," I said.

"What are you doing out here?" He said sitting down.

"Just thinking about stuff," I said.

"Maya can I ask you something?"


"I want to spend more time with you and you have to leave in less than two weeks. So I wanted to know if you would move down here to stay with me."

"Dad I don't know."

"It's a lot to take in I know just think about it."

"Okay can I just have sometime."

"Sure thing," my dad said getting up.

I couldn't leave behind everyone. Lucas and I just started dating I couldn't just break up with him. And Riley I couldn't leave her behind she my best friend.

"Maya is he back yet?" Riley said coming up over towards me.

"No," I said.

"Maya I'm sure everything will be fine," Riley said.

"Ummm yeah I guess," I said walking over towards the wall.

"I'll leave you to it then," Riley said walking away

Lucas came home a little later walking up the porch steps with Rose. It was dark so that they couldn't see me.

"Lucas I had so much fun tonight," Rose said all happily.

"Yeah," Lucas said looking away, "Alright well I have to go to bed so I'll see you later."

Lucas's POV

I just wanted to go inside and see Maya again.

"Oh Lucas one more thing," Rose said turning towards me.

Before I knew what was happening she kissed me. I pushed her away after a couple of seconds. I walked back inside and went upstairs.

The kiss with Rose was terrible I didn't even feel anything unlike when I kiss Maya

Maya's POV

My heart broke. He kissed her. How could he kiss her? I thought he loved me. I heard Lucas come back inside so I ran into my room and pretend that I was sleep. Lucas opened the door and came over to my bed. He kissed my forehead and I struggled to keep back the tears as the door shut.

Farkles's POV

The next morning everyone was sitting at the table except for Maya and Lucas.

I heard Lucas come down the stairs, "Guys where's Maya?"

"She's not upstairs?" Riley said, "Before I came down she was still asleep."

"No she left this note," Lucas said.

"What's it say?" her dad asked.

"She went back home to New York," Lucas said before dropping into a chair.

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