Familiar Faces

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((That music video is so amazing!! They want me dead I swear!))

"Do you think the boys are already at nonnos?" Roesella asked looking at her father.

"Hmm they should be I haven't talked to them yet, maybe you should call them," Lorenzo states, she grabs her phone and dials her best friends number and calls him making sure it's on speakerphone so her and her father can hear him.



"Petal! How are you little one?"

"I'm not little! You're just tall, but I'm doing good, papà and I are almost at nonnos house."

"You are little though! Ah good, Tae and I just finished your room since we know how you would want it done."

"Of course you would! You are my best friend after all," I giggle, "I would be offended if you didn't!"

"Ah don't worry petal you'll love it! You're grandfather has just finished your closet, we already set up your fathers room and office."

"Thank you Jungkook that really helps. Well we are about to pull up so why don't all of you come outside and greet us?" Lorenzo suggests before Roe ends the call.

They soon pull up into the driveway and a group of boys run out of the house with big smiles on their faces. As soon as Roesella gets out of the car she's lifted off of the ground and spun around. She erupts in a fit of giggles, automatically knowing it's her best friend because he's wearing the cologne she gifted him for his birthday.

"Oh how I've missed you! I haven't seen you in months!" Jungkook exclaimed finally setting Roe down so she could stand, but he didn't let her go. His arms were secured around her waist holding his best friend close. She looked up at him and smiled "I've missed you too Koo, we've never been away from one another that long before! Let's not let that happen ever again."

"Agreed you're not allowed to be away from me like that ever again."

"So are we aloud to hug her or?" A raspy voice ask.

She turns her head seeing Yoongi smiling his beautiful gummy smile. "Yoongi! I've missed you so much!" She exclaimed trying to get out of Jungkooks hold, his grip unintentionally tightened. "Koo let me hug him," Roesella says, a pout present on her face.

Jungkook sighed not liking the thought of having to let her go since it's been months since he saw her last, but none the less he let go and watched her go into Yoongis arms. "Oh don't be upset Jungkookie, you'll most likely be spending every day with her since we live next door!" Spoke Jimin as he walked up go Jungkook patting his back.

"You're acting like you haven't seen her in years Jungkook!" Yoongi exclaimed laughing slightly, "She's my best friend! You guys know how we get when we don't see each other for over a week!" Jungkook whined.

"Are you doing alright?" Yoongi asked his voice laced with concern, Roe looked at him and sighed shaking her head.

"I miss him already... I wish we didn't have to part," Roesella said looking down at her feet. Wonho was the only guy Yoongi ever approved of. Wonho knew about Roe and her family being vampires, he even knew about the boys. He never once told anyone about them, he loved Roesella to much to hurt her like that.

"I know you do hun," sighing Yoongi looked in his mates direction with sad eyes knowing that she'll need to cuddle in order to somewhat feel better. Jimin nodded knowing the look on his face and picked Roesella up bridle style carrying her inside the house.

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