Pregnancy Trials

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"I already hate this fucking pregnancy," Roesella muttered under her breath after brushing her teeth for the second time this morning.

Roesella has been getting terrible morning sickness lately, and boy was she mad about it. In order for Roesella to have energy to do anything she has to have human food and blood in her diet. She soon found out that the baby hated human food, sighing she walked downstairs to join her father and grandfather to ask them for their opinion.

"Papà nonno I can't keep any human food down, what do I do?"

"Hmm how about we try and mix blood in it? You willing to try that princess?" Her father asks, his face showing concern.

Roesella nods and hugs her father, leaning into his chest. She watches as her grandfather rushes around the kitchen to make her something to eat. About 30 minutes later Francesco sets a plate of food in front of her, letting her know he did incorporate blood into it.

Roesella shakingly grabs her fork before taking a bite of the food, nervously chewing awaiting the outcome. When she swallows it she instantly starts craving for more, smiling she continues to eat happily not feeling nauseous at all.

Both men smile fondly at her, Lorenzo softly places his hand on her stomach only to get it swatted away by his daughter. "No touchy,” Roesella says after finishing her food.

"Only certain people can touch my stomach right now. I can sometimes feel movement, I know for a fact I'm not supposed to until I'm at least 3 and a half months. The movement calms down when Yoongi, Jin, or Koo touch my stomach and I don't want the baby to get riled up right now."

"Well you are a vampire Roesella, this is going to be way different than a normal human pregnancy. Why don't we call Kihyun since he used to be a doctor and get some advice from him?” Francesco suggests grabbing his laptop to Skype Kihyun.

"Hello Francesco, how can I help you today?" Kihyun questions once he answers.

"Little Roesella here is pregnant, her mate and her were intimate about 2 months ago and she's already feeling some movement." Her father explains motioning towards her.

"I take it you all want advice on that matter?"

"Yes please Kihyun. You were a doctor once upon a time, you have to know at least something,” Lorenzo says standing by his father.

"Well since she is a vampire the baby might develop quicker. If she was a human I'd say go to a doctor but since she isn't we don't have that option. They might want to do some blood test and we can't have that now can we?"

"Well shit I wish you were still a doctor! You could be her doctor since we trust you," Francesco laughs.

"Bitch I helped raise her!" Kihyun yells, "but I could come down and bring everyone so I could be her doctor."

"Fuck yes, thank you Kihyunie!"

"Language!" All three males yell at once.

"Papà you and Kihyun cussed, why can't I?" She whines with a pout.

"Alright I'll go pack and get everything ready, you're lucky I still have my medical supplies," Kihyun says before bidding everyone goodbye.

(A few days later~)

Roesella was sitting on her balcony, keeping a look out for Kihyun since he was supposed to arrive today. "Hey baby~" Jaebum says as he sits down beside her.

"Hey, I've missed you~" she cuddles into her mates side since she missed his warmth.

Jaebum has been gone for a few days, so she missed him dearly. Jaebum wraps his arms around her pulling her closer if possible. Jaebum was sent on a hunt recently tracking Jooyoung, but couldn't find him so they returned home.

"I missed you way more baby,” He whispers kissing her head tenderly, "you having visitors babe?"

"Huh?" Roesella looks up and notices Kihyun’s car pull into the drive, "Kihyunie!" She squeals before running to go greet him.

Jaebum is left baffled at how quick she ran off, one moment he was holding her the next shes running away. He laughs slightly before following her so he could still spend time with her. These past few days Jaebum has had the sudden urge to want to protect Roesella and not let anyone touch her, including her father and grandfather.

Jaebum walks down stairs to see a group of men bear hugging Roesella, recognizing one of them. He walks over to the group and taps the familiar person on his shoulder.

"Oh hey Jaebum."

"Hey Wonho, can I have my girlfriend back? I haven't seen her in a few days."

Wonho nods with a smile, thinking about their mate bond and how strong it seems. He grabs everyone's attention so he could guide Roe into her mate’s arms. Roesella smiles before burying her face into Jaebum’s chest while he secures his arms around her, letting out a sigh in content happy to have her in his arms.

Everyone smiles at the scene in front of them, Kihyun motions to Lorenzo wanting to get his medical stuff set up as soon as possible so they can see what's going on with the baby.

"Alright well I hate to do this Jaebum but tonight is a celebration for our friends and family. Roesella needs to spend time with them as well, they haven't seen her in a while whereas you only went off for a few days,” Francesco says with a chuckle.

"Alright I understand, have fun baby I'll see you later?"

"Yes please come over after so we can cuddle in bed,” She says kissing his cheek before watching Jaebum leave.

"Okay, we'll set up everything then get your sonogram done so we can see the baby and hear the heartbeat. Sound good Petal?" Shownu asks before heading upstairs to the guest bedroom.

Roesella nods, smiling as everyone walks by her, “Sounds great to me!”

I hope everyone is having a good day/evening/night love yaaaaaaa

Dude I've been listening/watching so many Ateez songs/videos! They're so cute 😭😭

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