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"Yah, Jimin! Help me out with this last box ya twat!" Taehyung hissed from downstairs, Jimin sighing as he dropped his phone back onto the counter beside him, rushing outside the door and down the one flight of stairs where Taehyung struggled with a large box in his hand.

"I'm here, I'm here." Jimin quickly helped with one side of the box, guiding his friend up the stairs and safely putting the box onto the ground next to the others.

"Welp, my back hurts." Taehyung whined, touching his back, hissing every time he touched it, Jimin rolling his eyes as he flopped onto the floor, sprawled out with a groan leaving his lips.

"Im glad you finally moved from Busan with Kook, now I have my new boyfriend and best friend that I can visit any time I want without paying for train tickets!" Taehyung cheered, crawling on top of the older, hugging him tightly, hearing Jimin chuckle underneath him.

"Same, I love Busan, but I feel like I belong in Seoul. I love this city ever since you made me come here because you were drunk and convinced me someone stole your dog. You know how serious I get when it comes to them."

"Yeah, and then you had to take me home after we found Tannie peeing beneath a park bench." Taehyung chuckled.

"Yeah, but now, I have a lot of unboxing to do. Isn't Kook waiting for you back home?"

"Yeah, but my baby bunny can wait. I might as well help you with some of this stuff. This place did come furnished right? Shouldn't be too difficult." Taehyung climbed off of the older, helping him up with a single pull, going to grab a few boxes that were labeled 'bedroom' and began taking them down the hallway, Jimin soon joining him.




"Finally, thanks for the help Tae." Jimin thanked his friend who nodded in response, hugging him tightly and patting his back as they looked at the now unpacked and organized place that was Jimin's new home.

"No problem, now then, I have to go and help my little Kookie get his stuff into my place. I'll catch ya later!" He chimed, waving as he opened Jimin's door, sprinting out of there, Jimin closing the door behind him.

"Welp, I have the rest of the day to myself don't I? Maybe I'll greet some neighbors or get some food?" He mumbled to himself, slipping his shoes on as he grabbed his apartment key, walking outside.

He did see a few neighbors by him, saying hello to them and such. But as he went up a floor, he stopped in front of a door with the numbers 402 on top with a drawing of a cookie on the top right corner of it, tilting his head in confusion as he decided to knock on the door.

Nobody answered for a while until the door creaked open with a guy, not too much shorter than Jimin, stood with mint hair, dark brown eyes, and a very long blue sweater on.

He looked quite adorable to Jimin.

"Hello there, I just moved in downstairs in 302. Im Park Jimi-"

Next thing he knew, the door quickly slammed onto his face, Jimin's eyes widened with disbelief and shock as he embarrassingly scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, I guess he's not friendly." He mumbled, turning on his heels and walking away back towards his home.

After a few hours, Jimin was sat on his couch, leaning back and watching TV, thinking about buying food for his place tomorrow when a knock at the door and the sound of scurrying feet hit his ears, causing him to turn.

"Who could that be?" He asked himself, standing up and walking towards the door and opening it slowly.

Nobody was standing in front of him, making him look around until his eyes looked downwards, seeing a blue bowl with cookies inside of them with a note next to it which Jimin gladly read.

Hi~ Sowwy for closing the door on you. I didn't mean to be rude, I was just scared, hopefully you can forgive me. Enjoy these cookies I made!

- Min Yoongi :)

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