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"I'm happy that you wanted to help me with all these groceries, You really didn't have to." Jimin told Yoongi as the mint haired man stepped away from the fridge, closing it with a satisfied smile.

"W-well I don't mind helping people. I really thought I should repay you from helping me earlier, think of it as a thank you gift and an apology for what happened the other day."

Jimin grinned, hands tucked into his pocket as he stepped up to Yoongi, patting the top of his head softly. "You did a good job putting the food away, you organized it like a pro." He chuckled.

Yoongi stilled, feeling his body tremble a bit. His lips quivered slightly, but not down on them, hoping Jimin didn't see, humming quietly before speaking.

"I...I did good?"

"Yeah, amazing job!" Jimin exclaimed, his eyes turning to moon crescents as he moved his hand off of Yoongi's head, only to have it grabbed and put back on top of by Yoongi's small hands, Jimin's eyes only widening slightly.

"U-um, Yoongi? What...are you doing?"   He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Yoongi noticed his actions, quickly releasing Jimin's hand, laughing nervously as he awkwardly put his hands by his side. "Oops, uh...sorry. Your hands were ummm...really, really warm! You know how it's a bit chilly out there."

"It's alright. Hey, if you don't mind, you really seem cool and I'd love to get to know you better. Would you stay for a bit?" Jimin asked, gesturing over towards the couch, Yoongi's cheeks beginning to flush with red.

"Oh, sure! I'm not doing anything anyway." He chirped, following Jimin towards the couch, sitting down with him, the two beginning conversation.

"Let's play a game. We both ask each other questions back to back, and we each have to answer. Sound good?" Yoongi nodded in agreement.

"Alright, me first. How old are you?"

"2-25..." He muttered.

"Woah, never thought of you to be the older one. I'm only 22." Jimin chuckled, Yoongi embarrassed as his cheeks glowed with red.

"Now, you're turn."

"Right, um....what brought you here? To Seoul?"

Another deep chuckle left Jimin's lips, leaning back into the couch more, staring up at the ceiling. "I'd have to say Taehyung. I was in Busan for a while, met Taehyung off of Tinder."

Yoongi stared at the younger with slight disappointment in his eyes, almost worried in a way for some odd reason.

"I-is he your b-boyfriend?"

"Oh god no," Jimin nearly cackled at that. "We did date for a while, but we just weren't right for each other, relationship wise. We're actually even closer as best friends. He's even dating my pal Jungkook."

"Well at least you guys were able to still become friends. Most people never even have the idea of being friends after break ups..." Yoongi mumbled, tugging on the sleeves of his hoodie, eyes now focused on the ground.

"Well I don't know why that happens. It would have to depend on what happened in the relationship for you to not want to be friends after."

"I personally believe that anyone could be friends after a breakup if they just tried. It's a little theory of mine, how does it sound?" Jimin said jokingly, head turning from the ceiling to stare straight at the older, giving Yoongi a clear look at his face.

Jimin had nice facial features, a chubby looking face with a sharp-ish jawline, puffy and nice lips, the most beautiful orange hair that seemed that only he could pull off, and the eyes...

Those pretty brown eyes stared right into his soul, eating him from the inside...

"Hey Yoongi?"


"Are you okay? Your face is all red."

Yoongi felt all over his face, the heat coming from them nearly burning his hands. "I'm a-alright! Nothing to worry about!"

A snicker left the younger's plump lips as he reached out his hand once again to pet the older's head softly. "You seem tense, no need to be nervous. To be honest, when you're nervous, it's adorable." He cooed, Yoongi looking at him with wide eyes, his heart beating rapidly in his chest.

"I—" The ring of Yoongi's phone made his head snap away from Jimin's eyes, grabbing his phone and pressing it up against his ear.

"Hello?" He spoke softly into the phone.

"Oh, Jin! Yeah I'm good....you're what?! B-but I'm not home yet!"

"O-okay, I'm on my way jerk..." Yoongi grumbled, hanging up the phone and looking back at Jimin with apologetic eyes.

"I have to go back home. Maybe I'll talk to you later?"

Jimin smiled, nodding. "Yeah, sure." He held out his hand, extending it for a handshake as Yoongi looked at him in slight confusion.

"I'm looking forward to being friends with you Yoongi." He spoke softly to the older who gave a soft smile in return, shaking his hand.

"So do I!"

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I may be making "The Little Theory" a short book, but I'd like to hear what you guys have to say.

Short Book or Full Book?

Vote for it in the comments so I know what to do for the future of this book :)

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