"Like the white rabbit"

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How can I breath
When there's so much to do
I just wish I had time for everything
Recently it seems like the world spins faster
And I don't know how to catch up
They say you still have time
Just learn how to chill
But can't you see clock ticking right there
Please god tell  me
Why am I like this?
So immature
So insecure
I hear everyday
Not that I didn't knew
I just didn't want to see
You know we only see
What we want to see
But does that also mean
We choose who we want to be?
How can I change
If I don't know where to start
I honestly just wish to be happy
I couldn't care less
If it's here or there
If I have love or not
They say to grow up
Then help me please
Offer me a hand
Smile to me
Show me your teeth
Just please don't bite
Who am I to say I hate someone
You should think the same
Who am I to tell you that
I don't even know who I am
Lost in thoughts
How hypocrite
I also hate someone
Time just goes
So futile
Why you must love?
Why you must hate?
I know about me
I admit who I am
Why would you hide?
People like us are the best
Just trying to convince myself
I say all that but I still
Love people dear to me
and I hate I really hate
Not fake people
Because we are all fake
We are all still looking for ourselves
We are young
Still I hate people
I'm jealous
I deserve things
I'm human
No philanthropist
I'm only look out for my nose
Till someone hurts those dear to me
Nor good nor bad
That's just who I'm
I'm not altruistic
I only do what's good to me
Good to my heart
That includes those dear to me
Cut the shit out
Prove you're better
Then I'll believe
I'm a human
You're a human
Still so young
I'm living
But you're just surving
Living the way that I want
Keep surviving then

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