"Utterly confused"

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Pain this feeling
That won't settle down
And somehow my mind is a mess
And I suddenly can't control myself
Totally lost somewhere in the void
Yet I cannot avoid that

Totally numb yet it stings
Deep down it hurts
I want somebody to hug
Anyone really
Because I don't know
Future is uncertain
I don't have control
I'm so dumb
It stings
But I barely know why?
What's happening
I do it all on impulse
I'm so mean, I'm so bitter
But still I'm scared
So scared of pain
It painfully hurts
Somewhere I no longer breathe
And my heart I want it to stop
Because I'm sorry everyone
I'm sorry I don't seem to know how to love
And that's it
I don't even know
So I'll pretend I'm lost
Pretend I don't know
It's to hard
I'll be running away inside my head

Anxiety with a ribbon [Poetry]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang