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Memories are coming to my head
Those moments I spend on my bed
Books all around
When my eyes look around
I see myself in low light
Looks like the sun doesn't shine
And I forgot to turn the switch on
The hours passed like in a whim
And this exercise is still complicated to me
Those painful memories
Are coming back to me
I have pages and pages of them
All of them are my sorrow
My nightmare
Yet I'm still trying in low light
I shouldn't because it only makes me cry
You probably will laugh
Or make your worst confused face
I don't understand either
Don't worry
I look to myself
To everyone I know
And ask what's wrong
And I still don't know
I just know that my pen is out ink
And my head is out there
My body can't take no more
Yet I'm still here
Turn back the lights
Maybe it will easy my burden
And the numbers will be so clear
I almost can't keep up
I'll discover I'm a genius
That I can fly
So I guess won't turn back the light

Anxiety with a ribbon [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now