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"I have lost my mind," Jinyoung whispered while he prepared the pet's food "Of course that wasn't real, it was a dream." The boy kept speaking to himself.

Last night he heard some noise coming from the living room, he was going to check when Jinyoung saw a male silhouette entering his bedroom, but suddenly it disappeared, with the poor illumination in the place he rubbed his eyes to see better. Seconds after JB climbed in the bed and lied next to him purring, he petted his head laying his body again on the mattress, without forgetting what has happened.

Jinyoung served the food to the pets and started watching JB, who seems to befriend Jackson since they were playing together in the living room "Boys! Come here the food has been served" Jinyoung said with a sweet tone, both pets ran towards their plates "Is it good, isn't it? I made it for you to be filling with energy this morning." Jinyoung said with a smile and petted both heads, and went to eat his own breakfast.

"Jinyoung is behaving weird," Jackson commented as he ate his food.

"I think so, he has been talking alone too much." The older answered walking to the living room.

"Do you think he knows about us?" Jackson followed the cat, and he lies on the floor.

"I don't think so; he was sleeping when I came in," JB said playing with the fish toy.

Jinyoung went to the living room and sat on the sofa playing with his phone. He laughed when JB climbed on his chest. Apparently, it is going to be a peaceful Sunday... or at least that thought before Jackson started barking by hearing the sound of sirens coming from the street. The boy got up leaving his phone on the sofa to take care of the dog "Buddy, everything is okay, come on, let's go grocery shopping" Jackson barked in approbation. Jinyoung left some food because he decided to eat outside and also buy some new books, and both left the apartment saying bye to JB.

Jaebeom took the opportunity to have a quick shower; also he finally ate something decent and started to read a book.
It has been a while since Jinyoung left, JB looks at the clock, Mark would be there soon, and Jinyoung wasn't at home yet. JB sighed and decided to shift in his cat form and take a nap in the bed sleeping on Jinyoung's clothes; the room was cold because of the widely window open.

After some hours Jinyoung arrived at the home, he lost track of time reading some books in the library, then after lunch, he spent time playing with Jackson to distract his mind from that weird dream. Mark arrived happy to see his dog again; this was moving his tail quickly at the sight of his owner. Mark gave some souvenirs that he bought for his friend and cat.

"Do you feel tired after the trip?" Jinyoung asked as he gave him some tea.

"Yes, really tired, my parent wanted sightseeing Gyeongju entirely." Mark joked "But I missed too much my Jacky." He laughed petting his dog's head.

"He missed you too, but he befriends JB now, they get along really well," Jinyoung said.

"Oh, really? Well, when you go to my home, I will have tons of tuna for JB."

"We will go, don't worry," Jinyoung said drinking his tea.

"Well, it is time to go home, we had been bothering Jinyoungie too much already." The older said and finished his tea, petted Jackson's head, saying thank you multiple times to Jinyoung, he took Jackson's things and left the apartment with a smile.

Jinyoung felt a cold air coming from the open window; he went to his room and closed it. Jinyoung decided to wear his pajamas and go to bed and read a little bit without bothering his sleeping cat.

In the morning he felt an unfamiliar weight next to him, it wasn't his cat, a naked sweaty man was sleeping next to him. Jinyoung woke up because of the heat coming from the body next to him. Jinyoung was scared, a stranger, a naked stranger was in his bed; he got up quickly from his bed.

"Who are you?!" Jinyoung yells at the boy "How did you get inside my home!" Jinyoung yells again without getting an answer from the boy, he got closer and felt the hot body "Are you okay?" Jinyoung asked, but this time his voice sounded concerned. The boy wasn't moving at all, Jinyoung puts his hand on the boy's forehead, he realized that he had fever, without thinking twice Jinyoung rushed to the bathroom for something to put on the boy's forehead to help the temperature get lower, he couldn't let the brown haired boy there in that condition.

Jinyoung checked his temperature, and he had over 37 C°, he needs that information to give him some medicine, after cleaning the sweaty body he changed the wet clothes on his forehead and gave him some pills with a bottle of water.

"You will feel better soon; you must drink enough water to relieve the fever" Jinyoung whispered without taking his eyes off the boy, he blushed when he remembered that the boy was naked, covering him with a thin sheet he left the boy "Now rest." He took the empty bottle, and the boy kept sleeping.

"Why is that boy in my house?" Jinyoung whispered making some tea "Maybe it wasn't a dream" the black haired boy sighed at not getting any answer, but he will have it as soon as the boy could speak, also... where was JB? He hasn't seen the cat the whole morning, it was weird.


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