Here again

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At the start of the second week after JB departure, Jinyoung started to lose all hope to see the cat once again. It was pretty late when he arrived at home; Mark had insisted in hanging out to drink some beers with the excuse that Jinyoung couldn't keep living in that sorrow.

"JB, I'm at home," A drunk Jinyoung whispered when he opened the door.

"Welcome back." JB laughed leaning on the front door with a bag on his shoulder.

"Am I dreaming?" Jinyoung asked laughing and getting close to the boy to take his hand "But it is a happy dream because you are here," Jinyoung laughed lauder pushing the boy on the sofa pointing the fish toy "This is the only thing left that I have of you."

"Are you drunk?" the older asked and looked at him confused "Yes, you are definitely drunk."

"Mark hyung invited me for some drinks, Jinyoungie was very sad without JB," the drunken boy petted JB's head "Jinyoungie feels bad for kicking JB out, JB never came back," he hugged JB sadly "Will JB forgive Jinyoungie for being a bad owner?"

"You should sleep, you are talking no sense," JB said trying to break the hug "Mark shouldn't let you get drunk." JB sighed and pulled Jinyoung arm.

"I'm going to sleep just if JB goes to bed with me, the bed is so cold without JB" the younger begged, and the older give in "Did JB suffer these days? Jinyoungie suffered, Jinyoungie wants JB back."

JB sighed taking Jinyoung to the bedroom, he never thought that someone worse than Jackson could exist. The boy stumbled at the end of the bed trying to take his clothes off to wear his pajamas.

"JB saw me naked so many times," the black haired boy laughed, and laid on the bed hugging his pillow "But JB is human, and Jinyoungie felt so embarrassed when he knew," he covered his face with his hands "JB must suffer so much, Jinyoungie read a book about it, I hope JB is okay." Jinyoung finished and fell asleep.

"How did you get here so drunk?" JB whispered as he heard the boy talking nonsense, he made sure to cover well Jinyoung and shift to his cat form. JB didn't want to sleep on the sofa in his human form, so he decided to change and relax next to the human.

The next morning Jinyoung woke up with a painful headache, he sat in his bed and memories from the night before came to his mind "Thank God it wasn't real" Jinyoung whispered with shame, the flashbacks of himself speaking in the third person was something so embarrassing for someone of his age. He smiled sadly to his empty bed, he should be honest with himself, he wished the dream was real.

He got up and slowly walked to the bathroom to take some painkillers, his head was killing him, he can't survive a day at University feeling this way. When he entered the bathroom he saw the shower curtain get open and a naked body behind it, once again he was surprised, it was JB.

"How long will you stare at me?" the older asked with an eyebrow lifted.

"I... I'm sorry" the younger excused himself leaving the bathroom blushing. He was in the living room covering his face with his hands; last night wasn't a dream, he hates his low tolerance and Mark for making him get drunk.

Jaebeom left the bathroom and took a t-shirt that was in his bag, and dressed in the middle of the living room.

"Jinyoungie, Can I eat ramen?" The boy walked to the kitchen with a smile after seeing Jinyoung nod, so he started to make breakfast.

"You... Were you here last night?" Jinyoung asked without a look at him.

"How did you think you made it to the bed? You couldn't take off your clothes by yourself." The older laughed.

"Why are you here?" Jinyoung asked, the boy left for a week and now he was here acting as nothing happened.

"Jinyoungie was sad without me," JB tried to imitate Jinyoung's voice; laughing at the sight of a blushing Jinyoung "To be honest, it was a difficult week."

"Did something happen?" Jinyoung whispered taking a seat on the sofa.

"My roommate kicked me out, and I lost his friendship," JB summarized setting the kettle and took a seat next to Jinyoung "I was close to sleep with his girlfriend."

"That doesn't make a difficult week ," The black haired frowned, he had a hard week, not JB.

"Of course it does, I worked long shifts, poorly sleeping and when I finally could make it, they had loud sex in the next room, they didn't respect my personal space, and he had the shame to put my thing inside a bad and kick me out."

"You deserved for sleeping with his girl," Jinyoung said.

"She wasn't a victim; she was in the room leaving her pheromones everywhere, it wasn't my fault feel aroused by it, and she didn't say no."

"If that happened to me I would kick you out too," Jinyoung said.

"You kick me out for less than that, right?" JB said leaving the empty plate on the tea table.

"Yeah, about that... would you forgive me? I was scared and surprised, I didn't know that half-blood existed and your life was so hard."

"Where did you get all that? My life wasn't hard" the black haired boy was surprised about the statement, and quickly took the book to show it to JB.

"Here, it says that you all were killed and rejected by everybody" Jinyoung pointed, and JB read the book to after laugh.

"My parents never rejected me; did you really believe everything in this book?" JB laughed more "This book talks about villagers, it must be pretty old."

"It was the only book about half-blood" Jinyoung felt stupid.

"Did you want to know about me?" JB smirked.

"No... I mean it isn't that way," Jinyoung avoided JB's eyes and took the book to the shelf "I was curious." Jinyoung whispered looking JB.

"Did you feel curiosity or guilt?" the older teased Jinyoung "Because if you felt guilty, you can ask me to come back... oh, right you already did that!" JB said laughing.

Jinyoung stayed in silence enjoying the presence of the boy.

"I'm happy you are here with me JB" Jinyoung whispered, so JB wouldn't hear him.

"I'm happy to be here, too" Jaebeom smiled to him.

"I'm talking about the cat, not you" the younger teased leaning on the sofa.

"I can fix that," JB said and shifted to his cat form, climbing on Jinyoung's lap and purring.

Jinyoung called Mark to tell him that JB was back; he took JB from his lap and left the room to talk with his friend and scold Mark for making him drink too much alcohol. Jinyoung had breakfast and collected the clothes that JB let on the floor; he smiled when he saw that JB kept the collar that he bought.



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