Chapter 1

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''Come on Tiffany , we've only got 15 min left of training'' the coach said ''coming'' I whined. I climed the lader and went to the end of the desk. I took a deep breath and dived. ''Good'' the coach said ''But not good enough.. I'll double your trainings'' ''What, again?''. I took my towel and  angrily walked off. I went by a swimming pool, where Tom trained. Yes, the actual Tom Daley, most of the girls would scream, but I don't like him at all.. I mean, he didn't do anything wrong, but they always compared me to him and it was kinda getting on my nerves. We dived together since age 10 (he was 12) and even then they were focusing on him and not giving others a chance. Back to reality...I went to the lockers and got in a changing room, I almost locked the door and someone barged in with it's bags nocking me on the wall, he closed the door and looked at me confused, belive it or not, it was Tom. ''Oh, you're in here...sorry'' he said trying to open the door ''Shit'' he whispered to himself ''What's wrong?'' I asked ''The bloody door won't open'' ''Oh come on, let the master show you how it's done'' I said sarcastically fliping my hair over my shoulder, I tryed and.. ''Fuck, this won't open'' I said in a higher tone ''Geez, why are you so stressed of about it'' he said rolling his eyes, I don't want to be here, stuck with you, that's why...''Because...I have something to do'' I lied, I leaned on the wall and sat down. I pulled my Iphone out and started playing a game ''Oh, I have the same one, add me 'Thomas94'' ''Okay ThomASS'' I joked ''Cheeky'' he said. We started playing the game and we laughed and joked, hard to believe, but I was having fun. *After 2 hours* ''Ohh look, I've finally found a signal'' he said ''Thank god'' I didn't really want to go, this boy was amazing and this will probably be the only time we spent together. ''I called and they're coming to rescue us'' he said like he was dying ''Oh I know, Daley it's been a pleasure being stranded in a changing room with you'' I joked ''Haha, the pleasure's all mine Mrs. Benett'' he said kissing my hand, we heard someone trying to unlock the door. ''What have you been doing here?'' the reception guy said, we just looked at ourselfs and laughed. ''I'm totally going to tweet that'' he joked ''Don't you dare'' I jokingly slamed his arm. Some girl ran into Tom's arms ''I've missed you boo'' she said. Well, this was kinda awkward.

A/N -

This is really just a simple story, hope you like it :)

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