Chapter 10

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''Good morning sweetheart''' he said while kissing my cheek ''Hey babe'' I streched my hands ''You...know ..last night was amazing'' he smiled ''Yeah it really was'' I blushed and he kissed my forehead. ''Want some breakfast?' I nodded. We made pancakes with nutella and cream. YUM! ''What should we do today?'' he stuffed a pancake in his mouth ''I don't know, you choose'' ''I was thinking about going to the mall, I need new socks and then we could go and see a movie'' ''I need some socks HAHA'' I mocked him, he gave me a cold stare and I blowed him a kiss so he pretended to caught it. We drank some tea and then we went to train. After that we showered and prepared to go to the mall. We got his socks and I got a hoddie. After that we went to see 'Paranormal activity'. God, why did he convince me, I hate scary movies. We were the only ones in the hall. Fuck, multiply 'scary' by 6. After about an hour we were cuddled together and then we started to throw popcorn at ourselfs, and after a 5 min fight a flash light turns on. '' Khm...Hello Mr. and Mrs. I'm sorry, but you will have to leave'' ''uhh..okay'' we both said in the same time. Tom's mom told us to be at theirs in about 15 min, because there is a family dinner. 

''So how did you guys meet?'' Tom's grandad asked ''so it's kind of a funny story'' we both looked at eachother and laughed ''well?'' ''We met in a locker'' ''Ah you young lads, when I was your age....'' here we go, I wonder if my mom is related to him. ''It was a really good dinner Debbie'' ''Thank you sweetheart'' . I helped her with the dishes. ''Thank you Tiffany'' ''No problem'' I smiled ''Not just for the dishes'' she smiled to herself ''You make Tom happy, like really happy, his fathers death really broke him and you've put those pieces together and thats the same Tom'' she smiled again ''I love him, I really do...and it's nice to hear I do him good'' I smiled ''Oh come here'' she said and gave me a big hug. ''Tom honey, put the dishes out the dishwasher when it's done, Will's out and make sure Ben goes to sleep'' ''Yeaah mom'' he crossed his eyes and smiled at me, when he noticed I was watching him. ''I'll have a shower m'kay?'' he nodded. I started the water and the mix of cold and hot water was so refreshing, wait, is someone opening the door? He opened the shower door ''SUPRISE'' he stepped in ''Tom!'' I laughed and he pushed me against the wall and started kissing me He held me up and ran out of the bathroom and pushed me to the bed. You can only guess what happend there *perv look* haha. 

''Uhh what a night'' he said when we cuddled in bed ''I know right'' ''I love you'' he looked into my eyes ''I love you too''. My phone starts ringing ''Yes?'' ''Tiffany, I can't believe me you hadn't told me you were dating Tom Daley, lucky? '' ''Uh, I was about to, how did you found out?''  ''Turn to channel four you dummy, you guys are on TV'' ''Say what??''

'Tom Daley and his team mate new couple on the scene? And they're quite intimate! They were spoted hanging around Tom's' family home''

''Oh my fucking god'' 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2012 ⏰

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