Chapter 9

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I finally got home. ''Oh look at her, so beautiful'' my mom pulled me in her arms ''Hey mom'' I bearly said, because she hugged me so thight. ''Look everything will be okay, we're here to support you okay?'' I nodded. Since only mom was home I wanted to introduce her to Tom. ''I want you to meet someone'' a smile came across my face. I went out the door and pushed Tom in. He shyly smiled and greeted her ''Oh Tom dear, do you even eat, look how fit you are'' here we go again ''Mom!'' I gave her a cold look. ''So how's your mom doing?'' she smiled ''She's great, she's on holidays with my brothers and how are you?'' ''That's great, I'm actually fine too, thanks.. '' ''Let's go upstairs'' I nodded to the stairs. ''Cheeky'' he said when my mom left. We ate lunch and started preparing for the closing ceremony. ''Tiff, there's a letter for you on the counter, I'm going to the dentist and do not forget to go to the closing ceremony!'' How could I forget that. I hopped down the stairs and opened the letter. It was from the hospital, there was a list of what shouldn't I do and my diet. Low on fast food and soda...blah blah.......and no SEX? What do they think I do that for daily exercise?

  6 pm - Closing ceremony

The contestants need to be there an hour before it starts. When everything was prepared it started. Everybody famous was there, it was so cool to see everybody. The theme started and Russell Brand, Spice girls, One Direction, Ed Sheeran... sang. It was really amazing. We had a closer view to the stage and we stande almost the whole ceremony and danced. We saw Louis and Eleanor so me and the girls  asked for a picture together. Just before the closing I found Tom he kissed me and huged me. We gave some authographs and then the after party started. I said goodbyes to my team mates and I told Tom I'm going home. ''Okay, but I'm going with you'' He smiled ''Why?'' I smirked ''Because there's no fun without you'' ''Aww'' I hopped into his arms. We went to his car and drove to his apartment. We went in the elevator he grabed me and lifted me up so my legs were around his waist. We kissed eachother until the doors open. He put me on his shoulder and ran to his apartment. ''The keys are in my back pocket'' he smiled. I gave him the keys and he opened the door. He put me down and I ran to the windows. It was a whole section of windows with a view on the London. It was amazing. I stood there and Tom wraped his arms around me and kissed my neck ''Beautiful right?'' ''Too much'' ''Too bad it's not as beautiful as you'' He turned me around and kissed me. He lead me to his bed and I sat in his lap. He started kissing my neck and then went to my lips. We layed down and still kissing. ''Do you want to do it?'' ''Yes..'' I said ''Are you sure?'' I nodded. We undressed ourselfs, so we were only in our underwear. He was on top of me. ''Tom...?'' ''Yes?'' ''I'm a virgin...'' he smiled ''So am I'' Wait I SHOULDN'T HAVE SEX!!! I sat up ''What's wrong? Did you change your mind?'' ''No, uhm it's just...I was just scared for a moment'' he smiled. I'm afraid of what will happen with me, but I think it was a right decision, because I really wanted to do this with Tom.

Sorry for the mistakes it was a quick one.

I love you as much as I love diving~ Tom Daley love storyWhere stories live. Discover now