Chapter 2

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Well I just awkardly walked off ''Tiffany!'' I turned ''See you around'' he said, this made me smile, knowing he enjoys my company. I took a bus home and headed for a shower. My stepdad and my mom were preparing dinner. ''Where have you been such a long time missy?'' he said anxiusly ''Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe me, so what's the point'' I said rolling my eyes. Let's just say we don't have a good relationship. ''Well look who-'' ''Come on John, give her a brake'' my mum interupted and smiled. After dinner I went to my room and opened twitter. ''Haha was stranded in a changing room for 2 hours @TiffBennett :D'' ''I told you not to tweet that you nutcase :D'' ''Mwah, you love me''. Wait he has a girlfriend right? shouldn't she be mad? 

Weeks past and I've been training hard, leaving me almost no time for myself. After trainings, I always hunged out with Tom in the teams cafe. ''Tiffany, our training isn't going anywhere, even if I double the hours, you're still not good enough'' I got a text from my coach ''Really, I'm so bad that I might as well quit diving'' I said looking at the ground ''What's wrong?'' Tom asked ''My coach...I mean he won the gold medal in 1992 in Barcelona, so he should know what's the best for me, but if he is my coach, he should be just a little bit supportive'' Tom was quite for a minute, but he was looking at me with understanding. ''Well, you've been doing good all these years and in every sports carrer, there are ups and downs, it will get better'' he said ''Thanks Tom'' I gave him a hug, wich lasted a little longer that it should ''If you want, I can teach you some tricks, before the olympics starts'' ''Really, you would do that?'' I was suprised ''Yeah'' he half smiled, I smiled as well, but turned my head into other direction. ''Why do you always do that?'' ''Do what?'' I asked ''Everytime you smile you look away, you have a great smile, don't bother hiding it'' he said and I blushed as hell. Even if we stayed after closing, we snuck into the diving pool and dived for fun ''You know... you're good as fuck'' he said ''You just say that, because you don't want anyone to feel bad'' I said ''I mean it'' he said with a smile and I feel myself blush ''Yeah nutcase'' I teased him ''Oh it's on, when you get down from there..'' he joked ''Ha, you wish!'' I dived and before I knew it he was swimming to me, wanting to duck me. When he touched me, I felt shivers all over my body. He smiled and kissed me, I kissed back, but I knew it was wrong. ''I'm sorry Tom, I've got to go'' leaving him alone in the pool. I liked him, a lot..but he has a girlfriend and I can't destroy his relationship, but why did HE kissed me?

I love you as much as I love diving~ Tom Daley love storyWhere stories live. Discover now