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Katrina: {ZACH! She screamed as she saw him fall. She was fighting three vampires and an ugly demon covered with gibbering mouths all over its slimy body. So, she only glimpsed what she thought was Zach vanishing from the back of one enforcer to the back of another. She must have just missed him leaping across, but hadn't they been way too far apart? She dismissed that thought as the rage nearly overtook her again.

She surely must have lost control for only a minute or two, but the next thing she knew, she was standing over Zach as the Commander of the werewolf assault force ran to link up with her. Then there was no time for thought, as what followed was a blur of blades, claws, teeth and blood. She sent a prayer for strength and that Zach was ok, to whomever might be listening. And for a second, a brief heartbeat, it actually felt like someone or something was going to reply. There was a moment she thought she heard a whisper, then a cool breeze brushed her cheek. Suddenly she was filled with a bursting energy like she stood on a live electric wire. She literally felt her muscles jumping as she began the dance of death. Had she been told she fought non-stop for nearly six hours she wouldn't have believed it. But as the bodies piled higher and higher around her and men and demon and beast and vampire died, so too did her doubts and fears.

This strange and wonderful boy was truly the one they have been waiting for. And she was humbled to understand all that had happened to put her in his path. Now, she just needed to keep him alive. This was what she and her brother were born for. What they and their predecessors were created for millennia ago. She just wasn't sure what to do about these feelings she was starting to have for him.

She thought her heart would surely stop, or burst from her chest when he had said he liked her and wanted to ask her on a date. Her cheeks flushed before her stupid brother had to open his big stupid mouth and ruin the moment.

Who was this other girl he spoke of that he had a crush on? She felt a hot spear of rage wash over her and her teeth ripped through her gums before she got herself under control. Then she heard him say he thought she, Katrina was beautiful, and her cheeks betrayed her again. They were burning as she looked down to hide her embarrassment, and the grin spreading across her face.}


      WHAM! Something slammed into me and I felt a spray of blood as something sliced my forehead. Tesla whined in pain as he, I, the lady, and the running vampire all collided in a tumbled heap of tangled limbs and clothes. 

 Obviously I misjudged my landing spot in my calculations. We rolled backward a bit before stopping and trying to disentangle ourselves. The vampire leapt off first and landed a few feet away as Tesla stood in front of this woman and myself who were still locked in what could have been viewed as quite an embarrassing position had circumstances been different. 

 My friend kept himself between the vampire and myself as this beautiful woman unwrapped her legs from around me and politely removed my hands from her chest.

"Sorry" I said, embarrassed to no end I tried unsuccessfully not to blush while I quickly stood up and removed my sword from its scabbard slowly so as to not draw the Vamps attention as it had its gaze locked on my friend while they circled us. 

 This guy was gaunt to the point of almost looking like a skeleton. His face reminded me of the crypt keeper just with super sharp fangs sticking out of his mouth and a long flicking tongue.

This thing was fast! He feinted to the left then bolted to the right trying to fake Tesla out. He almost made it too. I couldn't even see him move but my friend must have since he just managed to grab hold of the guy's ankle slowing him down just enough that I was able to grab the lady and pull her out of his reach. 

TimeLord The Vampire Chronicles Book One part twoWhere stories live. Discover now