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      The world comes back into focus slowly and quietly. First I see only dim shadows in silence, then the room brightens and I begin seeing colors and blurry shapes. Then I begin hearing dull sounds like I have my head underwater which suddenly makes me think I landed us in a lake again and I'm actually drowning so I try thrashing about to swim to the surface.

I feel something holding my arms and thinking its seaweed or something I struggle harder trying to break free before I run out of breath. That's when I realize I'm not holding my breath and I've been breathing this whole time. 

 I stop struggling as the room finally comes into focus and normal sounds begin filtering into my ears. I see my dad and Katrina standing over me along with Angela, Uncle Leo and Aunt Eve. I hear Alexei calming Tesla behind them as my dad tries to calm me down.

"It's ok son" he says holding me down gently and I realize I'm in a bed, "you're safe now. You got us home, you did it son!"

"I what?" I asked groggily, "where are we, what happened?"

"The stress of the jump must have been too much for his system." I heard Uncle Leo say.

"You're ok" my dad said, "you are in your own bed son, what do you remember?"

"Ungh" I said trying to sit up, my head throbbed as I did, "the last thing I remember was the Commander trying to tell me something about my stupid new watch." I said holding up my arm.

"Yes" Uncle Leo said, "We were wondering about that since you've never needed a watch your entire life." He said chuckling a little, "I've examined it a bit since we were unable to remove it from your wrist. A most remarkable piece of technology, it is far beyond anything modern science can achieve on our world. Do you know what it is?" he asked me.

I looked at the device and saw the spinning stone it had previously had was now a tiny tree.

"Well the box it was in was pressure sealed with some kind of military markings around it. It said, um" I said trying to recall what the label had said exactly, "Oh yeah it said ah, Experimental Tesseract Field Support Unit, Do Not Touch."

"And of course being you" Uncle Leo said laughing, "you immediately cracked it open."

"Well, yeah" I said kind of embarrassed, "I was curious."

"Haha that's my boy" my dad said laughing and shaking his head.

"It was bigger" I said looking at it closer, "but when I put it on it shrunk down and stuck my arm with something sharp and did some kind of DNA genetic link with my arm and then it said it was activated. It used to have a small spinning stone where that tree is."

"When I pressed the deploy button a giant boulder appeared from nowhere and nearly knocked me through the wall. The recall button made it disappear but that's all I know about it. Oh and after the stone disappeared when I was still in the supply depot the stone turned into a small black tent like the ones that were on the shelves."

"Hmm" my dad said, "that is very interesting."

"I was trying to ask the Commander about it right before we left but all I could hear him saying was to not press something." I said, "I was wondering if it was anything like the ammo boxes they were using in the middle of the battle since it said it was a Tesseract device. 

 I was wondering if we could use it for transporting equipment or even people between worlds like what you were asking about. He looked really shocked that I had it." I added deciding to not hide anything since it might end up being something my dad or Uncle Leo can figure out.

TimeLord The Vampire Chronicles Book One part twoWhere stories live. Discover now