Chapter Three

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Mila and I walked into the place after two hours of us arguing about what I should wear.

We settled on shorts, a velvet crop top and some high tops. And by settling I mean I sat in the middle of the floor screaming until she said I could wear what I wanted.

After we got done with the paperwork they took us into a room to be examined and once we were approved we went into a different room to be fitted.

"Quick run through. You marked as lesbian which means only other lesbians will be able to bid. Highest bidder gets to have dinner with you. Either way you walk out with a grand. No obligations." She said smiling.

There was a guy in the fitting room with rainbow colored hair and pants so tight my thighs chafed just looking.

"Oh yes you're cute for this." The guy said holding up a mesh bra and thong set.

I raised my eyebrow and he frowned and put it down.

"This could work." He said picking up a black and green bustier with matching boy shorts.

I smiled and took it from him.

"Changing rooms to the right." He said pulling Mila towards him.

I got changed and stood in the mirror frowning.

"It's for the money Una." I said taking a deep breath.

I walked out and spun as he clapped his hands laughing.

"Beautiful." He said smiling.

He gasped and went over to this rack of heels.

"These are for you." He said handing me a pair and I held them in my hands waiting for my turn.

Mila was standing behind me and hugged me as we watched the girls.

"Dont overthink it or you'll bust your ass." She said as I put the heels on.

I looked at her and she smacked my ass as I walked away.

When I walked up to the person they put a mask on my face and went behind me to tie it.

"Walk out slowly. Stand still for five seconds. Spin slowly. Stand still until the light turns green." She said pointing to a set of lights on the wall I'd be facing.

I took a deep breath and straightened my back as I started walking.

It was just a room of one way windows and all I could see was my own reflection.

When I got to the middle of the floor I stood there and chewed my lip holding my arm.

"Put it down." The girl yelled.

I looked at her and looked straight ahead putting my arm down at my sides.

"Turn." I whispered myself.

I slowly tip toed into a spin and stopped facing the front again.

The light turned yellow and I almost grabbed my arm again before realizing.

About a minute later the light turned green and I quickly walked towards the exit.

"Go to room 45." The woman said.

I walked down the hallway and knocked on the door.

"Come in." They answered quickly.

I took a deep breath and opened the door walking in.

There was a table and the only light in the room was facing the empty seat.

I could see her hands on the table and sat down slowly.

She cleared her throat and I took my mask off.

I heard her gasp and blushed looking away quickly.

"What's your name?" I asked

"Blanco." Was all they said.

I nodded my head and stared in their direction.

The light above them turned on and I gasped getting wide eyed.

She was brown skinned with honey colored eyes and curly hair.

"That's an interesting name." I said breaking the silence.

She smiled and blushed, staring at me.

"What might yours be?" She asked


"Una." Was all she said blushing.

She had curly hair that was half up and half down in a bun. Her eyes were brown and her skin was slightly lighter than mine and looked very very soft.

A knock came at the door breaking my trance and the food was brought in. The server put the plates and cups down and left without saying a word.

I grabbed my silverware unwrapping it as she bowed her head with her eyes closed and prayed.

I paused in shock and stared at her.

Once she was done she made the sign of the cross and looked up at me with her blush quickly returning.

"So Una what brings you here?" I asked

"Money. My best friend brought me here cuz I need the extra money." She said shrugging.

She took a bite or her fish and moaned with contentment with her eyes closed.

I bit my lip watching her and quickly looked down at my plate catching myself before she could.

"So you're not apart of the scene?" I asked stabbing a potato.

"What the whole chains and whips and leather? No. Just strictly in the bedroom lights off a few times then snuggle if they don't have to leave." She said

I chuckled and cut into my asparagus as she scooped up some mashed potatoes.

"Strictly bedroom is pure vanilla." I muttered

She looked at me confused as I stuffed some chicken in my mouth.

I sighed and wiped my mouth as she continued staring.

"I don't have time to introduce and train a little. You're adorably cute but that's just too much work for it to not even work out." I said shrugging and sipped my water.

"A what?" She said frowning.

I chuckled and stuffed another piece of chicken in my mouth.

"My point exactly." I said shaking my head.

She sat back in the seat pouting and glared at me.

I smirked and she scoffed folding her arms across her chest.

"I wanna know." She said agitated.

I smirked with my eyebrow raised and stabbed a potato, holding it up to her lip.

"How willing are you to explore your sexual boundaries?" I asked

She stared me straight in the eyes and slowly slid the potato into her mouth.

I didn't even realize I was biting my lip until she snickered and looked down at her plate.

"I'll take that as a yes. I'll get your number and text you where to meet me." I said holding my fork tighter.

She took her last bite of food and rinsed her mouth with water before swallowing it.

I chuckled softly and ate the last bit of food on my plate wiping my mouth.

"Goodbye Blanco." She said holding her hand out.

"Goodnight Una." I said grabbing her hand and kissed her knuckles.

She blushed and stood quickly wincing as she hit her knee.

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