Chapter Seven

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It's been a while since Blanco and I have spoken about anything except the general anylasis of our day.

I guess she was waiting for me to bring up what happened but to be honest I'd be perfectly ok never thinking about it again.

But as of yesterday I through fault of my own haven't answered Paulie or Blanco.

After the third time of Blanco calling me she text me saying that if I didn't answer she was coming to my apartment.

With that ultimatum I didn't have a choice but to speak to her.

I took a deep breath and called her putting the phone to my ear.

"What Blanco?" I asked when she picked up.

"You do not answer me like that." She yelled

I whimpered and covered my mouth as she continued to yell.

"You fucking answer me." Was the last thing I heard her say before I dropped the phone crying.

She text me apologizing and asked me to pick the phone up.

I took a deep breath grabbing my phone and put it to my ear.

"Were you crying because of me?" She asked

"No not originally. But when you yelled yes." I said sighing.

She took a deep breath and sighed as I heard her shift.

"Did someone hurt you?" She asked low.

"You could say that but mainly just my feelings." I said sighing.

She cleared her throat and sighed hard.

"I'm coming over." She said hanging up.

I forced myself to get out of bed and put on decent clothes and unlocked the door before laying back down.

A few minutes later she walked into my room and sighed looking at me.

"Hopefully you left your door open for me but don't make that a habit." She said closing the door.

She stood in front of me and I scooted over letting her sit down.

"What happened princess?" She asked rubbing my head.

I shrugged looking away as tears started forming in my eyes.

"I went to go check on my mom but she was drunk and angry I didn't have enough money." I said wiping my face.

She frowned and moved her hand away trying to see the other half of my face as I buried it in the bed.

"Una what do you need money for and why don't you have it?" She asked rubbing my head again.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"You never asked why I was at the show room when I wasn't a little. A few months ago I moved out of the apartment with my mother and started working for that ass face Paulie. He shorts my checks most times and my mom had to get surgery recently and she expects me to pay while I'm trying to save and pay rent and when I tried to tell her no......" I sighed not finishing and shrugged.

"What did she do?" She asked with her eyes closed.

I looked down biting my lip and sighed sitting up.

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