Chapter Three

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Maureen 's POV

The Saturday after Halloween. . .

" Pookie! " I yell from the bathroom.

" Coming! " Joanne yells back and she soon comes into the bathroom. When she sees me, she pauses by the doorway and looks me up and down. She wolf whistled.

"Damn." Joanne says, making me grin.

" Thank you, baby. You look quite nice, too. " I say, still smiling at her. She comes from behind me and lies her hands on my waist, sending shivers up my spine. She looked at me from the mirror. I was wearing a white, sleeveless, skin tight dress with floral patterns, a gold necklace that Joanne got me, and slightly raised white heels. Joanne was wearing also wearing a skin tight dress, except that it was a dark blue and it was long sleeved. She was showing some cleavage, unlike me, and was also wearing gold hoop earrings and black heels.

" What do you need, my love? " she asks, caressing my hips. She rests her head on my shoulder and I smile.

" Can you help me zip up this dress, pookie? "

" Of course. "

She runs a finger up my back, making me laugh, before she slowly zips up the dress. " There. "

" What is up with you today? " I question.

" I'm just being intimate with my fiancee. "

I turn around and smile at her. " Then maybe we should stay home tonight. "

She smiles flirtatiously and kisses me softly, but with desire. " Maybe. But we have to go out with your ex. "

I grunt. " Curse you, Emma. "

Joanne smiles at me. " We have to go, my love. "

" Right. Lets go. "

We head out and take the A train, then walking a little to the club that Emma gave us directions to. We met her there and had some wine. Joanne was already getting drunk, so I decided to stay sober so we could get back home.

" Baby. " Joanne called for me in a slurry way. She was running her hand up and down my back and playing with my hair every once in a while.

" Yes, pookie? " I reply loud enough for her to hear me over the loud music.

" Wanna dance? " Joanne asks and a smile covers my face.

" Hell yeah. "

I helped Joanne up and we went to the dance floor, moving around like idiots. A few minutes later, every one was yelling "chug, chug, chug" to a guy who had a few shots in his hands, some empty, some full. The guy chugged all of the shots and threw up a few seconds later.

Joanne got some vomit on her dress so we went to the bathroom to wash it off, but instead, we heard loud moaning coming from two women in a stall.

Joanne started laughing, showing the two women that we were here. They don't come out, so I cover Joanne's mouth and started washing off the vomit from her dress. It was disgusting. The things you do for love.

Suddenly, the two women come out of the stall, one of them being Emma. Emma sends the other girl out, but stays. " Hey, baby. "

I turn my focus from Joanne's dress to Emma, who was standing centimeters away. I was holding onto Joanne since she could barely walk, but she fell asleep like five minutes ago.

" Are-are you speaking to me? " I ask Emma with a fake chuckle.

" Yeah, you. "

I look at Emma not quite sure what to do. She looks at my lips and then back to my eyes. " Wh-what are you doing, Emma? "

" Why don't you put Joanne down and let me make love to you? "

I was immediately disgusted and pushed Emma away, waking Joanne at the same time.

" What? What? Who's there?! " Joanne yells, kicking the air.

" Why do you like her, huh? She's an ugly nerd! You could pick anyone in this world, and you choose her? "

I step closer to her and put a finger in her face. " You better watch what you say about Joanne. She's not ugly, she's beautiful, first. Second, Joanne may be a nerd, but she's my nerd, and I love her for it. And lastly, it may be true that I can have anyone. But I chose Joanne because she has the kindest heart from all of these people. She loves passionately and she cares for you. But you'll never find real love because in order to find love you need to love yourself, and you hate yourself. So leave us alone and go fuck someone in another bathroom. "

Emma glares at me and leaves the bathroom. I never even realized that Joanne was listening the whole time. " You really think that I'm all that? "

I turn to her, blushing, since I thought she had fallen asleep again. " Yes, pookie. I do. " Joanne chuckles and looks away, trying to hide her blush. I smile lightly and start pushing her out of the bathroom. " Do you wanna go home, baby? "

Joanne nods and yawns loudly. I wrap an arm around her waist and help her to the train station, which was nearly empty. We got on our train, and Joanne fell asleep on me. Her head rested on my lap, and the rest of her body was on the seats. I felt bad waking her when we had to get off, but when she woke up, she stayed up.

We got home and Joanne pushed me onto the couch, then falling on top of me and staying there. Her head was on my chest and we fit perfectly in the couch, I was just a little taller than her. I thought about how Joanne was right about Emma and played with her curls for a while until I fell asleep too.

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