Chapter Four

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Joanne's POV

The Next Monday

We entered the courthouse and Maureen stopped us by an empty hallway. " I have to go to work now. "

" I know, Maureen. " I reply. She smiles at me.

" Good luck, pookie. "

I smile back and she presses her lips her lips against mine, closing the little space between us and kissing my lower lip. It was supposed to be a short kiss, but she extended it a little and grabbed my waist, pulling me closer. I could've stayed there forever, but I was at work, so I pulled away.

" Thanks. Have a good day, see you at home. " I say and she walks away, looking back at me and winking. I chuckled and went into the courtroom.

When we finished the trial, the judge said that the man who killed my client's husband was guilty, so that meant I won.  When we were getting ready to leave, the culprit's lawyer came up to me, and only then did I notice that she was my ex, Viola Jones.

" Joanne Jefferson. "

" Viola, what a nice surprise! " I say and she hugs me. I knew it didn't matter if she hugged me, because once I told her I had a fiancee, she would totally respect it.

" How are you, Joanne? "

" Great."

" I can see, congratulations on your win. "

" Aren't you supposed to be mad you lost?"

" I'm too happy of a person for that."

I chuckled lightly.

Me and Viola caught up a little until we got to the front door where Emma was. " Excuse me one second, Viola. "

I walked over to Emma and slapped her across the face. Some people gasped but I didn't care.

" I-I deserved that. " Emma said.

" And a lot worse. "

Emma swallows. " I wanted to say I'm sorry for Saturday. I was drunk, and-and I regret it. "

I don't reply to her apology. " Is there something else I can do for you? "

" Yes. Let me make it up to you and Maureen by taking you somewhere. My dad's club! It's very sophisticated and elegant."

" No. "

" Please, Joanne. Everything will be on me and I wanna do this. I'm really sorry. "

I sighed. " Fine. But get out of my face for now. "

She nods and quickly speeds away.

I walk back to Viola.

" Finally. " she says.

" What? "

" Finally someone slaps that bitch. She's my neighbor, and I despise her. "

" Ditto."

Viola smiles at me and suddenly my heart melts. I tried to stop it, but I couldn't. I have never felt like this about anyone else while dating Maureen. I feel horrible now.

Maureen's POV

I cleaned a cup quickly so that I could start getting back home. I was so excited to see Joanne and tell her about today. I got a promotion! Now I'm manager of the bar, and I feel amazing.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated inside my pocket and I took it out, to see that I had a message from Emma and Joanne. I didn't wanna read Emma's, so I read Joanne's.

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